
Spring storefronts competition in Porto

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Miguel Nogueira

If one swallow does not make a spring, Porto believes that storefronts throughout town "shouting" spring might just do the trick.

The contest "Spring Storefronts" is back. This initiative is in its second edition and its fundamental goal is to boost local trade, through the promotion of creative activity by local traders.

The creativity affecting storefront designs influences customer perception, thus enhancing and revitalising trade, as stated by Porto municipality.

Natural or legal persons who own or maintain a commercial establishment open to the public and with store fronts that are visible to the public, can enter this competition.

The key words are originality and creativity, inclusion of the store product, colours, materials and lighting. The jury will decide based on the aesthetic design. The three best storefronts will be awarded the municipality trophy and cash prizes.

Interested applicants are invited to submit their applications at the Gabinete do Munícipe [Citizen Bureau] at Praça General Humberto Delgado, 266, 4000-286 Porto, or via Balcão de Atendimento Virtual [virtual one stop-shop].

See the provisions of the competition here and the application form here.