
Start & Scale Week 2018 brought together 1 500 people in Porto

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The Start & Scale Week was held from 5 to 11 May in Porto. This was a truly tour de force in a city that breaths entrepreneurship, innovation and technology.

Over seven days, the city was taken over by the creative impetus of developers, researchers, hackers, programmers, gamers, policy makers, decision makers, who shared knowledge, networked and organised masterclasses and workshops to share best practices and technical solutions.

This was the third edition of the ScaleUp Porto. Strategy, which amounted to 1500 people participating in a number of events.

The week kicked off with the 28 hour "hackathon", joining 170 hackers, divided by 35 teams, to develop solutions that will help the most vulnerable in the community.

The Doing Business event organised 95 meetings, bringing 24 startups and 18 organizations closer.

Also, the Fiware Global Summit brought to Porto programmers, businesspeople, policy makers and investors of different nationalities.
These are just some of the examples of this year's Start & Scale programme, showcasing the local ecosystem in its global capacity. 

View this brief video on the Start & Scale 2018.