
STCP passengers show exemplary citizenship and abide by new rules under the Covid-19 pandemic

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Miguel Nogueira

Yesterday was day one after the country exited the Emergency State and public transportation resumed 95% total routes. During the current pandemic, there are new rules to follow to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus to protect both passengers and bus drivers. 

Till noon yesterday, 4th May, 35 inspection activities were carried out to STCP buses, operating the busiest six lines and the compliance was remarkable as all passengers respected social distancing and were wearing masks or face visors. Also, bus capacity is limited to two thirds.

Porto City Hall, via the Municipal Police and in coordination with STCP, is carrying out inspection actions in line with the guidelines under the Situation of Calamity, regarding public transport functioning and use.

This operation relies on the supervision by the Centre for Integrated Management of Crisis of Porto (CGI) where elements of STCP, the municipal department of Mobility and transports and the Municipal Police are bridging forces on the ground, which feature 12 police officers, six police vehicles, two motorbikes and two bicycles.

These inspection actions by the Municipality of Porto and the STCP shall remain in place during the Situation of Calamity. In addition, the monitoring will extend to private bus operators operating in lines with municipal bus stops.