
The Municipality of Porto is now a member of the European Film Commissions Network

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Miguel Nogueira

The Municipality of Porto is now a member of the European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN), a non-profit association that supports and promotes the European film industry and culture, trough Porto Film Commission. 

This is one of the most important film networks that encompasses 98 film commissions of 31 countries.

The EUFCN most relevant purposes are to establish a network of the most active European Film Commissions, to promote knowledge and information sharing among members, boost shooting opportunities and locations and to implement both professional and educational events for its members, as workshops and conferences on audiovisual production.

In addition, the European Film Commissions Network carries out projects financed by the European Union.

Porto Film Commission is included in the Municipal Department of Tourism and Trade of the Municipality of Porto and its main goal is to provide audio-visual companies a set of services that lead them to choosing to shoot in the city of Porto.

Porto Film Commission runs as a one stop shop liaison between audio-visual producers and the required municipal approvals regarding audio-visual productions.

The potentiality of the audio-visual as a means of promoting the city has been the focus of the Municipality of Porto, whose objective is that the city becomes an increasingly film friendly destination. In this regard, just last year, the institutional video "Porto Film Commission - a set for all locations" was granted the best film for film locations at the XII International Festival of Tourism Cinema Turismo - Art&Tur.