
The Presidency of Cabo Verde invites Mayor Rui Moreira for a conference on Local Authorities and Regionalisation

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Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, participates in the 6th Edition of the Week of the Republic of Cabo Verde at the invitation of the Presidency of the said country.

Rui Moreira will speak at this event about "Local authorities/regional authorities: models, strengths, risks and limits", on 15 January.

The Mayor is described by the Cabo Verdean Civil Office as someone whose life experience and actionable suggestions can help find "local solutions" on the topic of regionalisation and local power.

Recently, the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde, Jorge Carlos Fonseca, has visited the City of Porto, where he was welcomed by Mayor Rui Moreira at Casa do Roseiral. The invitation was made during this State visit.

The head of the Cabo Verdean Civil Office, Manuel Faustino, affirms that the presence of Rui Moreira at this conference cycle is of the utmost importance as the Mayor "has established an independent mandate and also is an influential thinker".

According to News Agency Lusa, this Week of the Republic of Cabo Verde marks the 13th January (date of the first multiparty elections, which took place in 1991) and the 20th January (Day of the National Heroes), which marks the assassination day of Amílcar Cabral (the leader of independence in Cabo Verde and Guinea), in Guinea-Conakry, in 1973.