
The President of Italy acknowledges Porto as a "prime-role city" in the European context

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Porto "knew how to transform itself" and was able to recover its prime role status in the European context. These were the words of Sergio Mattarella, the Italian head of State who visited the city of Porto today, 7 December.

The Italian President was given the keys to the city of Porto by Mayor Rui Moreira during his visit, "a distinguish honour paid to the eminent personalities that visit the city", highlighted the Mayor.

Both leaders praised the historic relationship connecting both cultures, in the solemn session that took place in the Noble Hall of the City Hall, where the Italian President commended the "dynamic city that engaged on a clear path towards renovation and modernisation of its traditional openness towards the rest of the world".

Without losing sight of its cultural roots and tradition, the city of Porto "was able to embrace a development based in internationalisation, in technological innovation, and the expertise, which represents its best patrimony".

Thanks to the choices the city has made, Porto "regained its status of prime-role city in the European setting, like in the 19th century, when its Stock exchange became one of the most important European markets, and it is no coincidence that Italians of different eras were drawn into the city", the President of Italy stated.

The Italian President also highlighted the "growing number of Italian companies" in Porto, the "numerous cooperation agreements" between Universities or even the interest shown by both tourists and Erasmus Students who choose Porto to visit and study, which demonstrate established relationships developed in a spirit of partnership towards a common future". The Italian Head of State recalled as well that Italy is the invited guest of the first Porto Design Biennale in 2019.

Rui Moreira welcomed Sergio Mattarella by mentioning the "fruitful relationship" between Porto and the Italian culture, evoking that "some of the most iconic locations were born out of Nasoni's genius, such as Clérigos, the Palácio do Freixo, Bonjóia and Mateus, The church of Misericórdia and the Episcopal Palace".

"Culture is the starting material to building a new city, more unified, economically competitive and socially cohesive and more open to the world", Mayor Rui Moreira declared.

The visit of the Italian President to Porto City Hall ended with the signing of the council Book of Honour.

Sergio Mattarella headed then to Porto Rectory to be awarded the title of Doctor Honoris causa by Porto University and joined Rui Moreira in a luncheon that the Mayor of Porto offered to the Italian head of state at Palácio da Bolsa, which was also attended by Portuguese and Italian entrepreneurs.