
Theatre and music to revive one of the greatest writers in Portuguese literature: Camilo Castelo Branco

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The National theatre São João (TNSJ) will feature a cycle of theatre and music sessions devoted to one of the greatest writers in Portuguese Literature, Camilo Castelo Branco. His writing, which is centred in the local and the picturesque, is generally affiliated with the Romantic tradition.

This cycle marks 193 years of Camilo Castelo Branco birth. It starts on 28 February and runs till 3 March, evoking the last days of this prolific Portuguese writer of the 19th century. He wrote over 260 books, including novels, plays and essays and was the first Portuguese writer able to support himself financially from his writing alone.

"A longa noite de Camilo", by TEatroensaio, will go on stage at Carlos Alberto Theatre (TeCA) between 28 February and 3 March.

Produced by Pedro Estorninho, the show focus on the last days of Camilo Castelo Branco and his turbulent and ultimately tragical life. His writing combined a dramatic and sentimental spirit of Romanticism with a strong personal combination of irony and dark humour. He is also celebrated for his peculiar wit and anecdotal character.

A songbook and a recital

This cycle also includes a concert for the launching of the Portuguese Songbook CD, with sopranos Alexandra Bernardo and Tânia Valente, and pianist Bernardo Marques, on 3 March at the TeCA, reviving Gustavo Romanoff Salvini as well, the first songwriter to turn Camilo's poems into songs.

On 16 March, the day of Camilo's birth, the Great Hall of TNSJ hosts the recital "Serões de Camilo" [Evenings with Camilo], featuring soprano Sara Braga Simões and pianist Rui Martins.

See here for more information.