
There are volunteers delivering groceries to self-isolated elderly people in the city of Porto

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Amid this global crisis there are volunteers in Porto who care for the others, more vulnerable and in need of solidarity, as is the case of senior citizens that are self-isolating and do not have any means to buy food or even medicines.

The Impac'tu is a non-profit association composed of university students who live or study in Porto. This association has set up the project "Porta de Impacto" ["Impact Door", free translation] to help senior citizens or other vulnerable people in society to get by these troubled times.

These youngsters are available to go shopping and deliver groceries for those in need, in the city of Porto.

The "Porta de Impacto" is a solidarity initiative that sprouts in Porto, as a consequence of this strange times that we are, little by little trying to surpass, as a community, as a nation and even as a planet.

If you know people in need of this support, contact this association via email