
Turkish Airlines accelerates operations in Porto

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Turkish Airlines is the sole air carrier to operate direct flights between Porto-Istambul.
The experience of the past three years, since operations started, has been largely positive and, as such, the company officials sought this is the perfect opportunity to rethinking their professional position in the city of Porto. 

In order to be close to partners and to the city itself, the airliner has set up new offices in the Foz area, in Porto.

Mayor Rui Moreira attended the official opening of Turkish Airlines' new installations and welcomed the Turkish Airliner by noting the fact that the company continues to bet in this itinerary, since it arrived in Porto three years ago.

Rui Moreira also highlighted the successful bilateral relationship between the Invicta and Turkey, further stating that "we are aware this is the fastest growing company regarding access to new destinations, and its link to Asia is of the uttermost importance for us". The Mayor emphasised as well the good relationship between both countries, "which goes back centuries" and the growing influx of either business or tourism travels for both destinations.

The Mayor of Porto pinpointed as well the large number of Turkish students who choose the University of Porto to study in the context of the Erasmus Programme.

Omer Faruk, Turkish Official, noted Turkish Airlines' slogan "We fly to more countries than any other airline in the world", stressing that "Portugal is a very important market, especially Porto", where the airliner already operates five weekly flights that will be daily as of the summer Schedule.

By opening this offices in Porto, Turkish Airlines not only flies investors between Porto and Turkey and vice versa but also "enables a better communication with other markets in a more efficient way", noted Omer Faruk. Besides, "being closer to our customers differentiates ourselves from the competition" the official enthused.

In the coming years, Turkish Airlines will continue to invest in Porto. "It is a win-win situation" Omer Faruk concluded.