
University of Porto debates the Future of Computing

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UPTEC, the Science and Technology Park in Porto, will organise the Future of Computing event, which will run from 25 to 29 June.

In an era where unpredictability is the common trend, world computer experts and visionaries will debate the possible developments computation faces in a very much near future at the Faculty of Fine Arts of University of Porto.

Sadaf Alam, Chief Technology Officer of Swiss National Supercomputing Centre, located in Lugano, Switzerland, will lecture on the future of computers at the University of Porto, on 25th June.

The Indian researcher, Sadaf Alam is responsible for the Piz Daint, the most powerful super computer in Europe and only overcome by two Chinese super computers.

"How will computers be like in the year 2068?" This is the big question mark of this major event that will try to figure out what comes next.

Tech Business Developer of UPTEC and coordinator of the Future of Computing, Cláudia Ribeiro da Silva, states that "we will host top speakers from top universities such as Zurich, Delft, Heidelberg, and from Microsoft as well. We wish to set up the largest computing event in Portugal".

Participation in the event is subject to ticket purchase, with a daily or weekly option.

Discount fares shall be made available for students in the weekly ticket option.

See here for more information.