
Zero waste project wins the European Enterprise Promotion Awards 2020

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The Zero Waste project won first prize in the category "Support to ecological market development and resources efficiency", under the European Enterprise Promotion Awards, promoted by the European Commission. This initiative, is organised in partnership with LIPOR, inter-municipal network management, upgrading and treatment of urban waste, of which Porto is part of, and the main objective is to recover circa 350 tons of food. 

This year, a live streaming session showed Portugal's best practices regarding entrepreneurial promotion in several fields, namely the contribution of the Northern Region to job creation and economic development, especially the LIPOR Municipalities.

The partnership between ZERO DESPERDÍCIO and LIPOR started in 2016 and strengthened in 2017, when the Zero Waste Network expanded under the "Partnerships for Impact" programme. This joint action has contributed a great deal to reduce food waste. In the end of the third quarter had already recovered circa 350 tons of food that were delivered to 35 thousand beneficiaries.

The European Enterprise Promotion Awards (EEPA) were launched by the European Commission in 2005 and coordinated by Portugal, namely by IAPMEI since its first edition, and currently they are streamlined in 32 countries. The purpose of such an initiative is to identify, distinguish and spotlight best entrepreneurial practices and inspire potential entrepreneurs in Europe.

The latest ceremony took place on 26 October and gave notice of the EEPA 2020 awards, where IPAMEI received 51 applications in the six categories in the competition.