
This was how Porto celebrated the queen of winter flowers, camellia

The 25th edition of the Camellias celebration took place in Porto, hosted at Porto Customs, on 7th and 8th March. Take a look at the camellia exhibit that awarded the Best Camellia and the Best Portuguese Camellia and the Best Table Decoration.

Top Chef Recipes at Bolhão Temporary Market

Drop by Bolhão Temporay Market on 7th March as nutritionist Ana Monteiro, from the Laranja Lima Blog will let everyone in on vegan delicious recipes and how to keep a healthy diet, starting at 11am. Entrance is free and no prior registration is required.

Camellia full bloom in Porto for our joy

Spring is just around the corner! In the meantime enjoy camellia full bloom in Porto. The exhibition opening is set for 7th March, at 2.30pm, at Porto Customs, and it will, once more, award the Best Camellia and the Best Portuguese Camellia and the Best Table Decoration. Winners will be announced at 3.30pm, following the opening of the exhibition. All activities are access free.

Lamb take to the stage at North Music Festival

The best of Rock and Indie in Porto happens on 22nd and 23rd May, with the North Music Festival, at the Customs Building. The next announced band is Lamb (Lou Rhodes and Andy Barlow).

NOS Primavera Sound 2020 grabing names

The NOS Primavera Sound has cemented itself as the festival of choice for those who want to experience music at its best, and where musicians and artists like to play and sing. As eclectic as ever, the festival's lineup gathers over 63 artists from 20 nationalities and it is back in town from 11th to 13th June, at Porto City Park.

A checkered board and the playing pieces await at Bolhão Temporary Market

Check out the square checkered board and the playing pieces at Bolhão Temporary Market while shopping for the weekend, on 29th February. The event starts at 11am. Participation is free and no prior registration is required.

Porto is the third best destination for 2020, according to TripAdvisor

Porto reached podium position in The Travellers' Choice award 2020, by TripAdvisor, regarding accommodation, best hotels and tours. This review is based on ratings and traveller interest on TripAdvisor over 2019.

Coliseu Porto Ageas celebrates the best bold Carnival ever

Carnival is celebrated on 24th February at Coliseu Porto Ageas with the "Carnaval só no Coliseu" event. The party kicks off at 10pm, and revellers might as well prepare for "a live music evening full of entertainment, by The Royal Band orchestra, which will tune up to all-time hits".

Bolhão celebrates love&friendship to the sound of Latin dances, on 15th February, at 11am

This month of February Carnival and Valentine's cheer are celebrated at Bolhão Temporary Market! Join the free "Bolhão em Festa" event, on 15th February, scheduled to start at 11am.

The best bold Carnival is at Coliseu Porto Ageas. Get the party started!

Call it Carnival, Mardi Gras or Shrove Tuesday, the official celebrations are on 25th February, but Coliseu Porto Ageas starts celebrating on24th February, setting the agenda for the old timer tradition of the "Carnaval só no Coliseu" event, dating back as much as the 40's, the 50's and the 60's in Porto.