
Nocturnal trip for that thrilling feeling in the park

How about spending some free time getting to know bats better? The fourth out of the seven organised evenings to watch up close how these mammals live happens on 6 August at the Parque Oriental. This initiative marks the 30th anniversary of the years of the Agreement for the Conservation of Bats in Europe, under the Bonn Convention.

And now this… a do-it-yourself cosmetic for keeping a healthy skin while taking a bite at something sweet

Bring something different to these summer days: a considered and thoughtful homemade face cream that can also be a sweet that will add that special twist to your skin care (and pocket).

There is a new way to add life to old toys

The Project Replay is bringing old toys a new life. The aim is to turn old toys into new ones, by recycling end of life toys; this is not only a way of boosting plastic recycling, but also finding a way to resolve the 30 million problems caused by that amount of old toys that are disposed of every year, and turn into landfill sites or get incinerated because they are made of too many different materials.

This is a new take on night outings, if you are not afraid of the dark

Spending an evening with bats is not weird, instead it can be as mysterious as it sounds. The fourth out of the seven organised evenings to watch up close how these mammals live happens on 6 August at the Parque Oriental. This initiative marks the 30th anniversary of the years of the Agreement for the Conservation of Bats in Europe, under the Bonn Convention.

Environment education: the killer differences between bees and wasps

This episode of “De binóculos no sofá” by the environment team of Porto City Hall teaches how to prompt warning on the Asian hornet, also known as the Asian predatory wasp, as it raises concern as an invasive species in our country., namely in the ecosystem.

Blue Flag Programme is back to the beaches in Porto to raise awareness regarding biodiversity preservation

The Programme ‘Bandeira Azul 2021’ (Blue Flag 20-21) is back to the beaches in Porto, to raise children ‘awareness on the importance of “Recovering the Biodiversity”, by adopting environmentally safe and responsible behaviours. The sessions are targeted at children aged between 6 and 10 years old. The number of participant is limited due to the ongoing pandemic.

Night trip with our little friends the bats, in Porto’s green spaces. Apply here

Between the months of July and October, from Friday to Saturday, those interested in getting to know the lives and habits of these mammals, which are actually more manoeuvrable than birds, as they fly with their very long spread-out digits covered with a thin membrane. This will be an experience for the books. Entrance is free but application is mandatory.

Get ready to go out and become a botanic expert

The team of the Environment Education of Porto City Hall presents the best way to become a specialist in the flora of this region during your outings. The trick is to use the smartphone and start learning.

SEA LIFE Porto accepts volunteers for Global Beach Clean

In Portugal, this beach cleaning action takes place on Friday, 9 June, and the SEA LIFE Porto is looking for volunteers willing to make beaches look like they are meant to be “a place in the sun”, cared for and devoid of all litter to protect marine species and the ecosystem.

Discover the joys of nature with the “Evening with Bats” initiative: applications are open

This summer, the Educational Centres of Porto Environment Department organise seven nights to meet bats in several green spaces in the city. The sessions take place every Friday or Saturday at dusk time, between the months of July and October. The first session happens on 9 July at the Viveiro Municipal do Porto (Porto Municipal Seedbed). This will be a one-time visit. Entrance is free but application is mandatory.