
Porto City Hall wins the "Cidade" prize by the Global Mobi Awards PRIO

Porto City Hall won the “Cidade” prize, granted by the Global Mobi Awards PRIO. This award was given in recognition of the project IDEA – Shared and Efficient Use of the Public Highway, which considers the innovative management of parking spaces nearby school areas.

STCP (BUS) resumes 100% service offer on weekends

STCP bus fleet in Porto resumes 100% service offer on weekends, starting on 8 May, as well as the tram lines 1, 18 and 22, in the framework of the stage 4 of the easing of lockdown measures, issued by the Government.

Porto City Hall is installing car and pedestrian traffic monitoring systems

Porto City Hall is installing car and pedestrian traffic monitoring systems to assess urban mobility in the city. These macro pilot applications correspond to pilot activities that study the evolution of transport network connected with mobility – car and pedestrian traffic – in urban and metropolitan areas.

Swift transport to vaccination sites under the Protocol between Porto City Hall and Taxi companies

This weekend, 17th and 18th April, non-teaching and teaching staff of lower secondary and secondary education will be vaccinated against the new coronavirus. Those who have been summoned to take the vaccine can opt to travel by taxi, under the protocol established between the Municipality of Porto and the Taxi companies operating in the city, in order to avoid traffic constraints.

Dropping off and picking up students has never been easier in Porto’s streets

More schools in the city of Porto are included in the "kiss & ride" system, the expedited transfer point that provides a safer perimeter for parents and tutors to drop off students.

There are 21 new STCP buses running on CNG in Porto

Porto is tackling the problem of local urban pollution, by using CNG – Compressed natural gas to power the first buses running in the Invicta. This is part of the STCP policies of implementing a decarbonisation of its operations. The goal is that by October, another 60 buses that are powered by CNG will integrate its fleet, alongside five electrical vehicles, thus enabling to reach the 274 “green” buses landmark.

STCP with 100% running of services starting on 5th April

Following Easter Sunday, STCP, the Porto Bus company, resumes 100% running of services on working days, effective as of 5th April. This measure follows the easing of the lockdown measures, regarding working days. STCP services will maintain timetable restrictions on weekends, with the Bus Company offering the “Contingency Timetable”.

Executive assesses phased resumption of paid parking, starting on 6th April

In the scope of lifting restrictions, amid Covid-19 preventive measures, under the State of Emergency, the Municipality of Porto will reassess the resumption of paid parking, starting on 6th April.

Terminal Intermodal de Campanhã

We are beginning to see how this work will change the urban landscape in Porto; from there, people can link to the Parque da Corujeira, to Monte da Bela, to the Quinta do Mitra, and to the nearby Slaughterhouse. This is an investment of circa 12. 6 million euros and it will conclude in the fourth quarter of 2021. This massive endeavour will revolutionise mobility in Porto, sustainability wise and in terms of economic and social development, in the western part of the city, in particular, and in

Over one thousand taxi trips to and from vaccination centres in Porto, from 9th to 25th March

From 9th March to 25th March, there have been 1.015 transportation services by taxi to and from vaccination sites against Covid-19 in Porto, under the cooperation agreement between Porto City Hall and the two taxi shuttles operating in the Municipality of Porto. This accession represents a strong contribution to mobility in the city, as it eases traffic and parking constraints nearby vaccination centres.