
The University of Porto is a top University in the world

The University of Porto (UP) performed best in 23 subject areas, according to the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2019, with UP ranking among the world Top 100 best in Architecture, Sports, Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering, consolidating UP's position at international level regarding Higher Education.

Every city needs a skatepark and Porto will have a brand new one

Porto City Hall will build a new and modern skatepark in the city of Porto, at Ramalde Sports Compex. It is estimated that it will open for business later this year.

University of Porto welcomes more than 2500 students in the Erasmus Mobility

The data for the second half of this academic year already shows a significant increase in the number of students taking part in the Erasmus mobility scheme, and the conclusion is that the University of Porto broke all the records regarding students and researchers mobility programmes.

Porto has taken the quantum leap and takes first prize

Miguel Ramalho, student of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP) and researcher at LIAAD - INESC Porto LA (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support) took the IBM Q Teach Me Quantum Challenge and won the fourth IBM Q Award, which offered one first place prize of $7,000, around 6,000 euros.

2nd PubhD Porto Gala party celebrates Science at UP

The Rectory of the University of Porto hosts the 2nd PubhD Porto Gala party and highlights the international PhD student's community in Higher Education institutions of the University of Porto.

The University of Porto has been sending more students abroad than any other Portuguese university

It is true that students with an academic international experience are more likely to be targeted by global companies. As such, the University of Porto is keen to enabling its students to gain practical skills and international experience while building their resumes.

Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto celebrates 100 years of intellectual freedom

The Faculty of Arts, University of Porto (FLUP) celebrates its 100 anniversary in 2019. The centenary of the Faculty's establishment highlights the innovative, radical, creative, and pioneering spirit of the school.

The University of Porto is one of the most favoured institutions by international graduates

The first phase of the Special Regime for non-Portuguese nationals to access Higher Education in the University of Porto for the Academic year 2019/2020 commenced on 2 January. In total, the University of Porto provides 763 university places for international students only, a number that clearly surpasses the 567 places made available the previous school year, of which 478 have been filled.

The University of Missouri - Kansas City visits Porto City Hall

This morning, a group of professors and students of the University of Missouri - Kansas City has visited Porto Town Hall, where they were welcomed by Mayor Rui Moreira, who got them acquainted with Portugal, in general, and the city of Porto, in particular.

The first Portuguese female astronaut is from Porto

Ana Pires, student at the Engineering School of the Porto Polytechnic Institute and researcher at INESC TEC is the first Portuguese woman to be granted the NASA's Astronaut-Scientist Diploma.