
Student from Porto University is granted prize to pursue investigation on pain

A student from Porto University was awarded a grant to pursue the investigation on pain. The Young Researchers Grant on Pain is awarded to projects that study the pain of neuropathic origin, funded by the Grünenthal Foundation.

Over 4600 foreign students are enrolled at the University of Porto

More than 4.600 students, from 90 countries have chosen Portugal and the University of Porto to complete their Academic training. U. Porto beats all records regarding the number of foreign students, in the context of international mobility programmes or to undergo complete graduate programmes.

European Researchers Night brings science and fun to Porto

The European Researchers Night is scheduled to happen in Porto on 28 September, in Palácio das Artes, and on 29 and 30 September, in Serralves. Researchers will have a handful evening with Science Troopers helping in the intergalactic battle for sustainability in five planets, namely Health, Nutrition, ICT, Environment and Energy.

The University of Porto is the only Portuguese University to be listed among the 500 world

The University of Porto (U. Porto) is the only Portuguese university to make it to the biggest international league table, according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

GBIF's 2018 Young Researchers Award honours student of U. Porto for climate-driven changes investigation

The GBIF's 2018 Young Researchers' Award was granted to Raquel Gaião Silva, graduate from the Faculty of Sciences of Porto University. This is the first time that this prize is awarded to a Portuguese student.

The University of Porto travels to Brazil

The University of Porto (UP) travels to Brazil to take part in the Salão do Estudante 2018 [Student's Fair 2018, free translation]. This is the most significant international Education Fair in Latin America. This event runs from 26 to 30 September.

Professional education is quality education in Porto

In the beginning of the school year, Mayor of Porto wanted to formalise the municipal approach to professional education institutions in the city. The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, accompanied by the Councillor for Education, Fernando Paulo, paid a visit to the Artistic and Professional School Árvore, established in the city historic area in 1989, and a reference school in professional teaching and learning in the city.

"Linking Students" supports international students at FEP

"Linking Students" is the name of the new student body, established by FEP- Faculty of Economy of the University of Porto, with the main goal of supporting the full integration of foreign students into the normal academic and cultural milieu of the host institution and community.

Philip Zimbardo takes heroic Imagination Project to Porto in September

Philip Zimbardo, one of the most influential psychologists in the world, and emeritus Professor of the University of Stanford, will be in Porto, at the Portuguese Catholic University, on 6th September, at 4.30 pm, to lecture on "My journey from creating evil to inspiring heroism".

International Youth Day celebrated in Porto

From Friday to Sunday, Porto City Hall celebrates International Youth Day (IYD) with several activities targeted at young people.