
Open Scientific Repository of the U.Porto is the most comprehensive in Portugal and the 43rd in the world

The 11th edition of "Transparent Ranking of Repositories" puts the Open Repository of the University of Porto as the most comprehensive at national level and ranks it 43rd at world level. The repository holds and provides research output by the scientific and academic community of the U. Porto of more than 50 thousand full-text documents, which are available in online databases on the Internet and can be accessed freely and instantly.

Workshops on how to search for a job are ongoing this May

Youth aged 29 and less, who are in a NEET situation (acronym for "Not in Education, Employment, or Training"), can find a job opportunity with the support of Porto City Hall and the Cité des Métiers. Workshops are ongoing this month of May.

U.Porto academic courses on show between 27 and 29 May take to the online format

Last year’s U. Porto academic programme Show (Mostra) had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. This year, although following Covid-19 preventive measures, the Mostra is back in a special format. Between 27 and 29 May, the Mostra will take place in an online format, which can be really gratifying not only for wannabe graduates but also for the entire family.

I3S young researcher is spotlighted by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Study on gastric cancer by the i3S researcher Catarina Marques won the Undergraduate Student Award, by the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (ASBMB).

Portugal's first Olympic medal in judo participates in a judo class with pre-school children

Portugal's first Olympic medal in judo, Nuno Delgado was the guest of honour in a judo class at the Escola Básica da Pasteleira for a very special audience: kindergarten pupils.

In-person and virtual commencement ceremonies mark FMUP’s Medical Students Graduation Day

Amid the pandemic, the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto (FMUP) celebrates medical training and health research. The Graduation Day of the Faculty of Medicine, which took place on 5th May, is a milestone of the medical academic life, and was marked with an in-person and online tribute to circa 600 PhDs, Masters and graduates, as well as academics that are now full professors.

U.Porto biologist is awarded a National Geographic Society grant

Luís Ceríaco, biologist and curator of the National History Museum of the University of Porto (MHNC-UP), was awarded a National Geographic Society Grant to study in the Serra da Neve in Angola, one of the most unchartered and fascinating regions in the African continent.

Students from Cerco Schools area receive 200 computers by the EDP Foundation

This morning, Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira and the General Director of the EDP Foundation, Miguel Coutinho paid a special visit to students in Cerco Schools, with a special mission: to grant 200 computers that will help them tackle constraints regarding access to remote education. Parents accompanied their children to school today, as this marks full access to remote learning for the most vulnerable students at Cerco Elementary School.

Phone call from space: Russian cosmonaut is back to the University of Porto

The online talk between the Russian cosmonaut Mikhail Kornienko and Portuguese students will take place on 14th April and will be streamed via the faculty’s YouTube.

CIIMAR paid internship: applications are ongoing

CIIMAR is looking for the best Sciences and Marine and Ecosystem Biotechnology students to enter a paid internship, under the 8th edition of the Blue Young Talent (BYT) programme. Applications are open till 30th April.