
On the right side of history, the city raises the colours of the 'right to be'

Porto marked the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia and reaffirms its commitment to human dignity.

Porto and Bristol celebrate 40 years of friendship

Around 40 guests were welcomed by the Councillor for Tourism and Internationalisation, Catarina Santos Cunha.

For a more active ageing, the elderly take decisions on everyday policies

Porto, Cidade Amiga das Pessoas Idosass action plan organized the first Participatory Forum on Active and Healthy Ageing.

Porto wants to be a protective home for all people

At Inclusion Week, everyone's home - the City Hall - welcomes them to make sure they are part of the city of tolerance.

Travelling around Europe at the canteens of Porto's schools

On the day that Spanish cuisine was tasted, the Councillor for Education had lunch at the Escola Secundária Garcia da Orta.

Brazilian mayors visit the city's urban transformation

Representatives from National Front of Mayors were welcomed by the mayor and the councillor for Urbanism and Public Spaces and Housing.

Alexandre Herculano High School honoured with urban rehabilitation award

At SIL 2024 Real Estate Award, Porto City Council promoted its affordable rent programme to potential investors.

Excitement and nostalgia flood Porto's heart on the 'Cortejo' day

Thousands of the city's students painted Baixa's streets as they euphorically closed another chapter in their lives.

'Porto Saudável' (Healthy Porto) allows you to explore the city while exercising

The inaugural walk to discover the city starts on Saturday, from Praça Gomes Teixeira.

The municipality stands in solidarity with flood victims in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul

A state of calamity has been declared in Rio Grande do Sul due to the storm that has been affecting the Brazilian state since Thursday.