
Polo da Asprela offers another 400 student resident units for the 2021/2022 school year

Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto, and the councillor for Economy, Tourism and Trade, Ricardo Valente have visited the University Campus of Asprela, namely the campus accommodation LIV Student – Polo Universitário, which is almost completed and is only yards away from the metro station that serves different faculties of the University of Porto.

PSP bolsters security measures during the Champions League Final in Porto

The PSP (Police for Public Security) announced the strengthening of the security measures for the Champions League Final, which will be played tomorrow, 29 May, between Chelsea and Manchester City, at the Dragão Stadium. Starting at 8 pm today, 28 May, three security perimeters will be established around the stadium, which means that there are traffic constraints in the surrounding area.

U.Porto and Santander offer grants to the European Innovation Academy 2021. Applications are ongoing

The University of Porto offers 20 scholarships for students who wish to participate in the world’s leading entrepreneurship summer school. This year’s edition takes to the online format, from 15 July to 3 August. Applications are running until 7 June.

The “Cascatas de São João” are a spring special in Porto! Workshops kick off on 30 May

All residents in Porto are invited to spruce up the city in the month of the city’s Patron Saint: São João. The community workshops make these real entertaining moments and one can easily find herself/himself evoking memories of joyous past São João Feasts that (no doubt) will be fully celebrated next year. The community workshops to building a “Cascata” kick off on 30 May.

The perfect setting: the Matadouro de Campanhã is on its way to being a landmark building

The wheel excavators of Mota Engil entered the building of the former Matadouro Industrial de Campanhã. This building stage comprises the demolition of all the elements that have been compromised by degradation. The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira visited the site yesterday morning, accompanied by Horácio Sá, Mota Engil Engenharia board chairman, by Carlos Mota Santos, Mota Engil board member, architect Luís Sousa, of the civil construction company in charge of the project.

Celebrating Children’s Day with the online activities by Ágora

It is time to cheer children all over, as the International Children’s Day is just around the corner; this day is celebrated on 1 June and the municipal company Ágora marks the date online, on 29 and 30 May, with a whole series of playful and educational activities, such as reading, poetry, cinema, workshops and sports. The meeting-point will be Agora’s social media – Facebook and Instagram - due to the ongoing health measures, namely reduced seat availability.

Porto affirms that cities must have a greater say as regards the European Union recovery

The vice-Mayor of Porto City Hall, Filipe Araújo, who also leads the Environment Forum of the EUROCITIES network, participated in the online Conference on the Future of Europe, on 25 May, upon invitation by the Friends of Europe, to discuss the role of cities and citizens as key components regarding the European recovery.

Nazim Ahmad, Ismaili Imamat’s Representative in Portugal was welcomed by Rui Moreira

Nazim Ahmad, Ismaili Imamat’s Representative in Portugal was welcomed at Casa do Roseiral, by Mayor of Porto Rui Moreira.

Open Scientific Repository of the U.Porto is the most comprehensive in Portugal and the 43rd in the world

The 11th edition of "Transparent Ranking of Repositories" puts the Open Repository of the University of Porto as the most comprehensive at national level and ranks it 43rd at world level. The repository holds and provides research output by the scientific and academic community of the U. Porto of more than 50 thousand full-text documents, which are available in online databases on the Internet and can be accessed freely and instantly.

Magician from Miragaia wins Best Webby Magician in the United States

When in doubt, just look closer or accept that it is simply magic! This could very well be the way Helder Guimarães, the magician from Miragaia, in Porto, conquered the title Best Webby Magician in the United States of America. In about six months and 250 sessions, Hélder Guimarães had been viewed by circa 14 thousand people and had won around one million dollars. The magician from Miragaia, Porto, was granted the prize “Best narrative experience in the virtual and remote event area”.