News Highlights

Rui Moreira handed the Keys of the city of Porto to EU highest representatives

The Porto Social Summit starting point was the formal sitting at Porto City Hall, where Mayor Rui Moreira handed over the Keys of the city to the highest representatives of the European Union, David Maria Sassoli, Charles Michel and Ursula von der Leyen, before the opening of the Social Summit, this afternoon, at Porto Customs Building. Rui Moreira stated that the city is “very honoured with the presence of the European Union Highest Representatives, today, in Porto and in our town hall."

Porto City Hall granted already one million euros to support historic shops in town

Porto City Hall has already invested circa 1 million euros to support historical shops, under the Porto de Tradição Municipal Fund to financially assist establishments and shops, regarding not only conservation and restoration projects, but also investment in modernisation and innovation that would guarantee business sustainability.

Supporting local businesses in Porto: the programme starts today

Supporting local businesses in Porto: the campaign comes into effect today, 3rd May, and the municipal investment can amount to as much as 500 thousand euros. The Municipality of Porto takes over the 2-euro rebate in purchase equal or greater than 20 euros, up to a maximum of 100 euros per buying, in retail business that are included in the programme. This support programme is in place until 30 July and it is entirely supported by Porto City Hall.

Porto hosts EU Social Summit on 7 May

Porto will host the European Union Social Summit on 7 May. The meeting is organised by the Portuguese Government jointly with the European Commission, under the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The summit is organised around two events: a high-level conference on the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights, on 7 May at the Customs Building, and an informal meeting of Heads of State or Government on 8 May, at the Super Bock Arena – Pavilhão Rosa Mota.

Pro Skate League kick starts in Porto with Olympic status

The Skate Park of Ramalde is the stage of the new Pro Skate League, an annual circuit of seven stages aimed at boosting the modality that will be taken to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. The Porto stage, presented at a press conference, yesterday, 29th April, will be held between 6th and 9th May and it will be the only stage in Portugal to score for the world ranking that qualifies for the Tokyo Olympics 2020, for the first time.

Porto and Guimarães host the online EEF on “people and planet for the green Transition”

Circa 200 policy makers from across Europe take part in a meeting of the Eurocities Environmental Forum that started yesterday and continues until Friday, 30th April. The meeting is jointly organised by the Municipalities of Porto and Guimarães and is held in an online format, owing to the current pandemic. The green transition amid the pandemic is the key issue on the table.

Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Miguel Araújo are the ambassadors of the Porto. card

This is definitely a worthwhile card. Maria Cerqueira Gomes and Miguel Araújo are the ambassadors of the Porto. card and were welcomed at Porto City Hall yesterday to receive the card from Mayor Rui Moreira. The TV presenter and the musician add to the circa 7 thousand people who have a Porto. card and can now enjoy the city with significant discounts.

British LineTen chooses Porto to set up its Iberian centre

LineTen, a British founded software and e-commerce company chose UPTEC- Science and Technology Park at the University of Porto to set up a centre in Portugal. This investment in the city of Porto by the Fundo de Coinvestimento 200M is held in the framework of LineTen’ strategy to consolidate its business in the Iberian Peninsula.

Tree power with Porto City Hall

The first trees of the programme "Se tem um jardim, temos uma árvore para si" [“If you have a garden, we have a tree for you”, free translation] by Porto City Hall have already been distributed. The Municipality of Porto has circa three thousand trees to offer to residents in Porto or to institutions with private gardens and yards within the city of Porto. Since the start of the campaign, in the end of March until the 12th April, 482 applications were submitted and 1405 trees were allocated.

Porto Atlantic Front to host Porto Finn Gold Cup between 5 and 12 May

Porto Finn Gold Cup 2021 gathers 80 sailors of the World Olympic Sailing Classes Championship. Besides granting the title of Finn World Champion, the race that will take to the beaches of Porto, Matosinhos and Vila Nova de Gaia, will also assign the last places to the Olympics in Tokyo, from 5 to 12 May.