News Highlights

There are 21 new STCP buses running on CNG in Porto

Porto is tackling the problem of local urban pollution, by using CNG – Compressed natural gas to power the first buses running in the Invicta. This is part of the STCP policies of implementing a decarbonisation of its operations. The goal is that by October, another 60 buses that are powered by CNG will integrate its fleet, alongside five electrical vehicles, thus enabling to reach the 274 “green” buses landmark.

DDD Festival is back “On Stage/At Home” and spotlights dance and national artists

The DDD – Days of Dance Festival 2021 kick starts on 20th April, with a full agenda of 22 performances, out of which 16 are world premieres or national productions, and out of the 11 coproduction, six are from the Northern Region. “The focus is on national artists” and to them Mayor Rui Moreira expressed words of thanks and gratitude “for the tremendous spirit of resistance, resilience and adaptability”.

Cultura em Expansão launches website and free online programming

“Uma Coisa Longínqua” by Teatro de Ferro, “Princesa Bruxa” by Ricardo Alves and Mariana Amorim, “Cortes do Porto” by Rui Catalão, “And so...? The end!” by Mariana Tengner de Barros and “Memoratório... do usado e preservado Grupo Musical de Miragaia” by the Confederação and Tânia Dinis are the shows on display at the new Cultura em Expansão website.

Porto is reshaping the iconic Batalha Cinema Centre

The Cinema Batalha is a pivotal building in the city of Porto. It speaks to the city’s first film screenings in the Salão High-Life, in 1906, owned by the company Neves & Pascaud, in what is today Boavista. The cinema was moved to its current site, the civil parish of Cedofeita, Santo Ildefonso, Sé, Miragaia, São Nicolau and Vitória, during the 1940’s, when architect Artur Andrade designed Batalha’s rehabilitation project. The building was re-inaugurated on 3rd June 1947.

Paradise found: Porto is candidate to Best European City Break 2021. Vote now

The city that exudes resilience and is never short of offering architectural heritage and lifelong positive travel experience is again shortlisted as a finalist for the title of Best European City Break 2021. Online voting takes place until 14th July.

Porto City Hall supports local trade pick-up with 500 thousand euros discount vouchers

The Municipal Executive shall vote a second incentive programme to encourage local, street and traditional trade economic recovery in Porto. The aim of the campaign is to deliver discount vouchers to acceding traders: for each 20 euros buying, the customer gets a 2 euro direct discount. This measure includes restaurants, cafeterias, barber shops and hairdressers. The campaign comes into effect on 3rd May and the municipal investment can amount to as much as 500 thousand euros.

Asprela Park strengthens ecological infrastructure and drainage systems in Porto

The Parque Central da Asprela features a unique combination of circa 650 new trees and bushes planted and 10 thousand cubic meters of increased water retention capacity, alongside two open air water streams. Asprela Park began to be built in July 2020 and the estimate conclusion deadline is the first quarter of 2022. The project is led by the Municipality of Porto in an investment of 1.64 million euros.

The Mercado do Bolhão is finally starting to tick!

The Bolhão Market construction project is about to enter its conclusion phase. This particular type of restoration work is very much like building watches by hand. Mayor Rui Moreira paid a visit to this meaningful worksite in Porto, where fine tunings and detailed masterpiece works are at the hands of renowned and prized architect Nuno Valentim.

Terminal Intermodal de Campanhã will soon change Porto urban landscape

Mayor Rui Moreira visited the construction site of the landmark project of Campanhã: the Terminal Intermodal de Campanhã. This massive endeavour will revolutionise mobility in Porto, sustainability wise and in terms of economic and social development, as well, particularly to the western part of the city, and to the entirety of the Invicta, in general. We are beginning to see how this work will change the urban landscape in Porto; from there, people can link to the Parque da Corujeira, to Monte

Tourism Destination Campaign by Porto and the Northern Region is acknowledged by the Golden City Gate Awards

Nothing lifts the spirits quite like planning a trip to Porto and the Northern Region of Portugal, which are the runner up in the Tourism Destinations, Region category, of The 21st Golden City Gate, the International Film-Print- MultiMedia Competition, held during ITB Berlin Tourism Fair, in Germany.