News Porto.

Double Trouble this week at Porto Municipal Theatre

Porto Municipal Theatre discloses new ways of interacting with audiences. This is Double Trouble time and the first edition happens on 26th and 27th November, at Campo Alegre.

“This is a time when the State must get deeper into debt to resolve the situation”

Rui Moreira, Mayor of Porto was a guest speaker at a national television show to discuss the pandemic context of the country. The Mayor advocated that the Government has to further its support to companies and families, to boost recovery and to build a stronger economy for the future, as soon as the health crisis is over.

Porto is home to economic dynamism and start-up culture

Founders Founders, a co-working space in the city of Porto that helps boost start-ups is to expand in Porto and will inaugurate a new space in the parish of Campanhã, in eastern Porto. The new Founders Founders’ space, close by Campanhã Station, will have 4 thousand square metres, it will accommodate circa 300 people, from 12 startups. It is scheduled to open in the beginning of 2021.

The quality of English as a second language makes Porto the best speaking city in Portugal and the 9th in the world

Porto features the highest proficiency in English at national level, for the second year running, according to an EF- Education First study that discloses Porto not only as the best English speaking city in the country but also the 9th best in the world. The EF English Proficiency Index 2020 Report analysed data from 2.2 million non-native speakers of the English language, in 100 countries and regions.

Time to experience safe outdoor activities during the Covid-19 pandemic

The U.Porto (CDUP-UP) launches the initiative “Experiências Outdoor" this December, with sports activities such as Skate, Golf and Tennis. All sessions are held outdoors, in compliance with ongoing safety measures. Applications are open.

Porto is the best municipal government regarding effective cash management in 2019

Porto City Hall got maximum score as regards financial effectiveness and efficiency at national level, according to the Financial Yearbook of Portuguese Municipalities. Also in recent years, as evidenced by previous dossiers, Porto is spotlighted, again, in the annual summary that discloses the management and performance by all the Municipalities in the country. There are 308, in total.

Porto Municipal Gallery features “Nets of Hyphae”, on 4th December

Porto Municipal Gallery inaugurates the exhibit themed “Nets of Hyphae”, by Diana Policarpo and curated by Stefanie Hessler, director of the Kunsthall Trondheim, on 4th December.

City Café webinar on Organizational Innovation: How to make the impossible possible?

The 15th edition of the City Café promotes a webinar on “Organizational Innovation: How to make the impossible possible?”, on 27th November, between 1.30pm and 2.30pm. Participation is free.

Ramalde Skate Park is one year old and it is in the process of expanding facilities

It is one year now that the city of Porto won its first Skate Park, in Ramalde and it has been such a huge success that the Municipality decided to enlarge its enclosure. These expansion works will be concluded early in the summer of 2021.

Volta a Paranhos turns virtual for your convenience. Applications end on 1st December

Tradition still remains strong, amid the ongoing pandemic, as the Volta de Paranhos is on, from 2 to 8 December. The Volta a Paranhos takes to the virtual format and it is open to all athletes and sports people, both from Portugal or abroad.