News Porto.

Leading global antibody discovery companies FairJourney Biologics and Iontas announce partnership in search for SARS-CoV-2 treatment

FairJourney Biologics, leading global antibody discovery companies, founded in Porto, announced a partnership with Iontas, one of the main healthcare manufacturing solutions Company in Cambridge, UK . The aim is to bring together complementary services and technology to enable faster identification of effective antibodies that will be the most successful in the development phase.

2.336 families got help with renting costs in less than six years. The support programme was part of Rui Moreira's electoral programme and it will be extended

The Porto Solidário Programme, created in 2014, has helped 2.336 families by providing monthly partnership to rent or bank mortgages for twelve months. The programme was proposed by Rui Moreira during the electoral campaign in 2013, and it will now be extended over the next two years, by proposal of Councillor Fernando Paulo.

Today, we celebrate the Carnation Revolution by the windows or balconies

This year, due to the pandemic and the Emergency State, the celebrations to mark the 1974 Revolution and the end of the dictatorship will not take to the streets, but the commission urges people to chant from windows, at 3pm.

LAST MINUTE: Porto City Hall wons appeal at the Constitutional Court. The Matadouro will be framed by Kengo Kuma's project

The final step towards the conversion of the former Industrial Slaughterhouse into a business, cultural and social hub is taken. Porto City Hall has just won the action before the Institutional Court against the decision by the Court of Auditors (Tribunal de Contas). The works will be performed by Mota-Engil and the project is by famous Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, in partnership with the Portuguese by Ooda.

The Municipality of Porto approves the injection of 80 thousand euros to support the two voluntary fire brigades in the city

The Municipal Executive convenes next Monday, 27th April, via videoconference and one of the agenda items is the 80 thousand euros support to the two voluntary fire brigades in Porto, the Real Associação Humanitária dos Bombeiros Voluntários do Porto and the Associação Humanitária de Bombeiros Voluntários Portuenses.

Nature at home with Porto Ambiente

Porto Municipal services of Environment launched three series of Environmental Education programmes on Youtube. The focus is the initiative "Stay home for now, we bring Nature to you!". This week, there is a new episode. Enjoy!

The Municipality of Porto launches microsite on COVID-19

The Municipality of Porto launched a microsite on COVID-19 that brings together the measures agreed to control the pandemic, both at municipal and national level. In addition, it shares information of interest for citizens and companies. Refer to the platform via to know how Porto City Hall and the city are facing this unprecedented crisis, as the microsite is designed to be intuitive and easy to operate.

Executive is to formalise the donation of 30 ventilators from the Jack Ma Foundation

The acceptance of the donation of the 30 ventilators to treat Covid-19 patients to Porto City Hall by the Jack Ma Foundation is one of the items in the working agenda for the Municipal Executive meeting on 27th April.

"I am here to say thank you"

Rui Moreira visited the Porto Firefighter Station and the Municipal Police today, after welcoming the National Director of PSP (Public Police Authority), Magina da Silva. To all of them, Mayor Rui Moreira said "thank you".

You are invited to know Porto Digital Library on World Book Day

Today is World Book Day and you are invited to know Porto Digital Library. Porto Municipal Libraries offer the most relevant documents of its collection through the BPMP Digit@l (Biblioteca Digital da Biblioteca Pública Municipal do Porto).