News Porto.

Rui Moreira talks about the after pandemic. What next?

Clear sighted, lucid and rational opinion by Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira to the Expresso newspaper, on 19th March 2020, on these hardship times we are ALL living. "What happens after?" ("E Depois?", the Portuguese original). Read the full article here.

More than 300 rooms available for medical staff in Porto. Porto City Hall coordinates with hospitals

The number of available rooms for medical staff in Porto now exceeds 300. Porto City Hall is coordinating this operation, by sending an updated list of the available rooms to the hospitals administrations and to the Portuguese Medical Association.

New rules regarding the waste management where there are people that have the new coronavirus

LIPOR announced several rules regarding household waste handling and disposal, in the framework of the pandemic by SARS-CoV-2 (CoVid-19) and in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Portuguese Agency for the Environment (APA) and the Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste (ERSAR) on waste management.

The Municipality of Porto ensures the majority of urban services

Porto City Hall still ensures the majority of urbanism related services, while respecting the contingency plans in force, regarding Covid-19. All information regarding urbanism in Porto can be sought in the "Novos Procedimentos" menu.

Traders of Porto can sell online without paying commissions

The online e-commerce platform Dott just launched a programme to support trade in Porto. Traders can benefit from the conditions, a 100% exemption in fees valid for new adhesions, till 30th April 2020.

ScaleUp Porto. launches free online training on organizational culture

ScaleUp Porto. continues to promote masterclasses targeted at entrepreneurs and professionals that work mainly in technological based companies, but no won the webinar format.

Emergency State in Portugal: what does it mean? Know the measures announced by the Portuguese government

The Council of Ministers defined today the measures that are now in place during the Emergency State situation, declared yesterday by the President of the Republic of Portugal, in the scope of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Águas do Porto creates online customer service chat and does readings by phone

The closure of the Águas do Porto help desk, in the framework of the measures to fight the new coronavirus, issued by Porto City Hall, resulted in the establishment of an alternative communication channel between Águas do Porto and costumers. There are now phone services and digital communication at a larger scale.

Digital video library AVA provides remote access to Municipal Libraries readers

Registered readers of the Porto Municipal Libraries can now watch films by remote access, from their homes, namely one of the best section ever of European documentaries and films.

There is a technological movement borne in Porto to fight Covid-19 and it gathers 2500 people

There is nowadays a new world of possibilities when technology connects to public health, and all this without leaving home. One of such projects is the technological movement Tech4Covid19, established in Porto. Learn more.