
Digital video library AVA provides remote access to Municipal Libraries readers

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Filipa Brito

Registered readers of the Porto Municipal Libraries can now watch films by remote access, from their homes, namely one of the best section ever of European documentaries and films.

All readers that hold a valid card of the Porto Municipal Libraries have access, until 31st August, to a digital streaming of the best films of European Film Festivals and documentaries via the digital platform AVA EU (Audio-visual Access Agency).

This is the result of a protocol between the Municipality of Porto and Apordoc, partner of the AVA project, through Doclisboa, an imitative funded by the subprogramme MEDIA, of the programme Creative Europe of the European Union.

Those interested in getting access to the AVA EU platform should send an email to bib.agarrett@ with their identification: name and user name.

The launch of the European project of digital video libraries took place at the BMAG, in 2018, where 11 long films and 12 shorts were screened.