News Porto.

Students' Ribbon Burning Week is cancelled. See you in 2021

The "Queima das Fitas", scheduled to take place between 3rd and 10th May, has been cancelled by the Academic Federation of Porto - FAP. This is for the greater good of public health and to fight the new coronavirus. The "Queima das Fitas" is back in 2021.

New #StayHome video shows empty streets in Porto, day and night

Not ever this quiet, not ever this silent, and still never this close. This is Porto Invictus that knows this is a war and that it must #StayHome #FicaEmCasa.

Days of the Dance Festival 2020 is cancelled. Next edition is in 2021

Porto City Hall/Municipal Theatre of Porto, Matosinhos City Hall and Vila Nova de Gaia City Hall have decided to cancel the 5th edition of DDD- Festival Days of the Dance, which was scheduled to happen between 18th April and 3rd May, due to the current pandemic.

Municipal Public Attendance Services are a click away

The Citizen's Office, Águas do Porto, Domus Social and the municipal company Porto Ambiente remain operational and with public attendance via phone or digitally. Remote public attendance is done during normal operating hours.

The President of the Republic has declared emergency rule

The President of the Republic has declared that Portugal is now in a state of emergency, for a period of 15 days, but this period can be re-assessed after these 15 days are over, depending on the situation regarding the CoVid-19.

São João informs by SMS when CoVid-19 tests show negative

The University Hospital Centre of São João (CHUSJ) has implemented an innovative and automatic system to send SMS to people tested for CoVid-19 and whose test showed negative.

Porto is producing one thousand masks a day and the first lot is delivered today

Rui Moreira announced this morning that the local company, with which Porto City Hall coordinate the production of individual protection masks and surgical masks is "already producing one thousand masks a day".

Mobile tracking centre to Covid-19 opened today in the city of Porto

Mobile tracking centre to Covid-19 opened today and is already performing tests to people that may have contracted the virus. People should head there only after being signaled by the health authorities.

There are volunteers delivering groceries to self-isolated elderly people in the city of Porto

Amid this global crisis there are volunteers in Porto who care for the others, more vulnerable and in need of solidarity, as is the case of senior citizens that are self-isolating and do not have any means to buy food or even medicines.

Search for reliable information on Covid-19 at Porto City Hall website

The Municipality of Porto is helping the nation fight this global pandemic, which is nothing like we have experienced before, at least in real life, except that it seems the plot of a sci-fi movie! One of such measures is the information on Covid-19 made available at its website.