News Porto.

ITSector’s rewarding year: it is acquired by Alten and gets to settle in Porto Office Park

Alten, leader in both outsourced Engineering and R&D and IT & Network Services, acquired ITSector, a company from Porto. This acquisition, as stated by the tech company in Porto, currently employing 600 workers, “can push not only the contracting pace but also the business expansion”.

AddVolt presents the world's 1st plug-in electric-hybrid system, tested and approved by GALP

AddVolt and Everythink mobile Power bank, developed by FEUP’s alumni, has been tested and received the seal of approval by GALP. Addvolt, a company incubated at UPTEC — Science and Technological Park of the University of Porto, developed a mobile car power bank, aka electric battery charging for electric and hybrid vehicles. Addvolt’s long-time business partner Everythink, a company also incubated at UPTEC, was in charge of the he product design.

eDreams OGIDEO will hire in the city of Porto, starting this January

eDreams Odigeo is aimed at hiring in the city of Porto. The company first landed in Portugal in February 2020, and more recently, it has settled its technological centre in Downton Porto, where it has expanded operations. The next step for this month of January is to hire circa 30 people to work with the “largest online travel agency in Europe”, as they put it.

Bolhão Temporary Market is open and provides essential products from Monday to Saturday

Bolhão Temporary Market is open and it provides vitally essential goods, from Monday to Friday, between 8 am to 8 pm, and on Saturdays, between 8 am and 6 pm. Customers have a varied offer of fresh vegetables and fruits, butcher's shop and dairies products, canned food and dried fruits, as well as fresh fish, frozen seafood, all with the Bolhão top quality.

Municipal cultural and sports facilities close during confinement

Owing to the new preventive measures to stop the new coronavirus from further spreading, all cultural and sports facilities, manage by Ágora, close doors, which started yesterday, 15th January. This is in accordance with the Decree 3-A/2021 f 14th January, which regulates the State of Emergency issued by the President of the Republic.

Award for Excellence by the University of Porto open applications

The University of Porto awards in-house researchers. The application period concludes on 31st January. The winners of the scientific research award will be announced in March 2021 and, pandemic constraints permitting, the awardees will be presented with an in-person prize ceremony.

Municipality of Porto leads project to bring back homeless people to a full active and autonomous life

The Municipality of Porto promotes social and professional re-adaptation and re-integration of the most vulnerable in society, as is the case of homeless people. The project “Porto Sentido” is complemented by no other than three words that express the consideration the Municipality gives when advancing measures that require sustainability to last in time, namely housing, capacity building and reintegration.

This is a best way to deliver transformation framework in a smart sustainable city

Porto City Hall estimates that the Monte Pedral project, where it plans to build circa 330 dwellings, mostly at affordable prices, amounts to an investment that surpasses 63 million euros, in accordance with the plot-division that has been unanimously approved by the Municipal Executive, early this week. “This plot is the great opportunity for creating a new city centre in Porto”, highlighted councillor for Urbanism, Pedro Baganha, during the Executive Meeting, held on 11th January.

TMP moves the schedule forward and takes Raimund Hoghe’s Postcards from Vietnam on stage today at Rivoli

Porto Municipal Theatre moved the schedule forward and the in-person presentation of the show “Postcards from Vietnam”, by Raimund Hoghe, is set for today, Thursday, at 7.30 pm, at Rivoli. The session was due to go on stage on 15th January, but owing to the lockdown issued by the Portuguese Government, that will not be possible.

Confinement food ingredients or how to avoid food waste during the pandemic

The pandemic has shown the positive result of people realising how much food was being wasted; and households can keep this mindset in the future. With the mandatory lockdown in the country, effective as of 15th January, more people are due to cook their meals at home; as such, the team of the Environmental Department of Porto City Hall has come up with best suggestions on how to plan meals and shopping and also reuse leftovers, all the while saving money.