News Porto.

Exhibition Catalogue of “Culturas e Geografias” organised by the MHNC-UP is the Best of the Year

The exhibition catalogue of the “Cultures and Geographies. Centenary of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto” display, organised by the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto was acknowledged “Best of the year”, by the Portuguese Association of Museology. This weekend, take time to see the exhibition at the MHNC-UP, at the Jardim da Cordoaria, from 10am till 1pm.

Everything in the yard is jazz, this Saturday and the next

The next two Saturdays, the Porta Jazz Association brings the two last outdoors concerts of 2020. The stage is the "Quintal Porta-Jazz", something like "Porta-Jazz backyard"; on 19th December, the WIZ trio, with the Portuguese José Pedro Coelho, on the saxophone, the French Wilfred Wilde on the electric guitar and the Spanish Iago Fernandez, on the drums, take to the stage at 11am.

U.Porto joins the Short film festival in-between the shortest day and the longest night of the year

The 8th edition of the “O Dia Mais Curto" [aka, “The shortest Day”, free translation] features the Curtas Festival at the Biodiversity Gallery, at the Planetarium of Porto and at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto, on 21st December. Goodbye autumn. Hello winter.

When companies choose Porto as a foreign investment destination, this is what happens…

Talent, competence, good infrastructure, life quality and a favourable macroeconomic scenario are some of the most relevant drivers for foreign investment in Porto. An while Porto is constantly and steadily developing and strengthening its markets, this is poised to create jobs and increase employment, in a city that is viewed as a pool of exceptional resources of specialized knowledge, ability and talent, as, for example, recently stated by Euronext’s CEO.

Four engineers from Porto prepare for exams and still have time to start a band: meet PHASE TRANSITION

Most people probably think that in order to join a band, one must throw away textbooks and devote totally to music. Nothing could be farther from the truth! The band from Porto and from FCUP and FEUP show just that: while studying for exams, the band just released the EP ‘Relatively Speaking’, which is available as of 7th December, on Spotify and on YouTube. Their CD is also available and it is a unique Xmas gift for music lovers.

Xmas Holiday Camp at the University of Porto

The Christmas Holiday Camp is back between 21 and 23 December with lots of physical activity for the younger ones. The Sports Centre of the University of Porto (CDUP-UP) will organize another edition of the Christmas Holiday Camps, targeted at children aged between 6 and 14 years.

Discount coupons will have effect from 14th December in all purchases made at traditional and local shops in Porto

There is a communication campaign all around the city to recall both residents and visitors to Porto that Porto City Hall already handed out discount coupons and vouchers to city traders joining this initiative: for each 20 euros spent in street trading, traditional trade and local trade, customers will be granted a 2-euro direct rebate.

Short Christmas stories and tales at the Almeida Garret Municipal Library. Set the date

The Municipal Library Almeida Garrett (BMAG) offers Christmas Tales and Creative workshops on 22nd December, at 11am. The activity is targeted at children over the age of three. The session takes about 1 and a half hour and children must be accompanied by one adult. Prior application is mandatory via the email

Mercado do Vilar at Espaço t will get you all those amazing stocking fillers

It feels like finding that little something to make this a special season, despite all the pandemic mood; as such, Espaço t opens doors, as tradition, to accommodate the ”Mercado do Vilar: Oportunidades de Sonhar”, aka the best stocking fillers dream presents. The market is open on 12th and 13th December, between 10am and 1pm.

The circus with inspiring talents is in town to celebrate the season despite the unique year

Coliseu Porto Ageas welcomes a bundle of talents, most of them Portuguese speaking artists that will be in the circus arena for your delight. The run of shows starts on 11th December 2020 and goes until 3rd January 2021. There are amazing acts as gymnastics trapeze, balancing acts or breath-taking acrobatics, mind blowing juggling and a live orchestra.