News Porto.

Porto is second to none, according to Monocle

This "civic spot", Porto ranks first in Monocle's second annual Small Cities Index and the city is profiled as featuring the perfect "urban life" as it offers a number of opportunities business, cultural, and nature wise.

November offers Porto/Post/Doc with online and face-to-face programing

This year's edition of Porto/Post/Doc features both online and face-to face programmes. The festival is themed 'A Cidade do Depois' ["The After City", free translation] and it runs between 20 and 29 November. Owing to the ongoing pandemic, the programme is to be presented in a double format: on site and online, at the Rivoli - Porto Municipal Theatre, at Passos Manuel and at Porto Planetarium. The online format provides a wide selection of Video on Demand (VoD) films.

Porto Municipal Theatre digital stage welcomes you

This season, Porto Municipal Theatre also takes to the digital stages, and much so due to the lower seat availability as regards shows, amid the ongoing pandemic. The internet will be the perfect ally to follow and appreciate some of the shows by TMP. This weekend, the performance by Gonçalo Amorim & Paulo Furtado/Teatro Experimental do Porto (TEP), ESTRO / WATTS - Poesia da idade do rock will be streamed online on 8th November, at 5pm.

Two exhibits at Porto Municipal Gallery to warm up the weekend

Porto Municipal Gallery features two exhibitions that are access free: "Prémio Paulo Cunha e Silva -- 2.nd edition" and "Waves and Whirlpools". Operating hours are from Tuesday to Sunday, between 10am and 6pm.

Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen would be 101 years today

On 6th November 1919 Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen was born in Porto. Her family affectionately nicknamed her "Xixa". She loved books, histories and poems and maybe that is why she became one of the greatest Portuguese writers of all time.

Film "Ordem Moral" is based on real facts

Ordem Moral, a film based on real facts, tells the story of a woman that stood against an epoch good morals and escaped to live with the love of her life. In 1918, Maria Adelaide Coelho da Cunha, Portuguese socialite and heiress of Eduardo Coelho, founder of the major daily newspaper Diário de Notícias, abandons the luxury life she was living and decides to join her lover, a family chauffer, and 26 years younger than her.

Porto is (re)elected for the Eurocities Environment Chair

The Municipality of Porto was elected for the Chair of Eurocities Environmental Forum, as it happened in 2018, when deputy Mayor of Porto, Filipe Araújo took the position in the network. The elections were held in an online format, owing to the ongoing pandemic, and as announced yesterday by the Eurocities official website.

Rui Moreira timely reflection on the Liberal Revolution and main phenomena that threaten freedom today

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, was an invited speaker at the opening of the congress "A Construção da(s) Liberdade(s)" ["The Building of Freedom(s)", free translation], under the programme of the celebration of the Bicentennial of the 1820 Liberal Revolution, which was held online due to the pandemic, on 5th November. Here are some of his thoughts on the Liberal Revolution.

Public programmes halted at Porto Municipal Gallery owing to the pandemic

Porto Municipal Gallery decided to temporarily halt public programmes linked to the ongoing exhibitions, this November, owing to the current pandemic measures in place. As such, two programmes scheduled for November have been cancelled, namely the talk scheduled for 14th November, at 4pm, and the concert by Luís da Riviera, on 15th November, at 6.30pm. The Gallery is open for visits to the exhibits.

UPTEC scaled-up company Knok raises a total investment of 1.7 million euros

knok, a scale up company of UPTEC - Science and Technology Park of Porto has just finished an investment round of 1.7 million euros. This capital injection will be applied in increasing globalisation and the development of a video consultation platform to facilitate the doctor-patient communication.