News Porto.

Rui Moreira takes part in the ANJE online conference on regional cohesion to overcome the crisis

Mayor of Porto takes part in the online conference on reginal cohesion to overcome the crisis, organised by ANJE - Young Businessmen National Association, today, 30th April, at 6.30pm. Register HERE.

Porto City Hall urges population to adopt civic behaviours in traffic, parking and garbage disposal

The return to normalcy is phased and demands that everyone has special attention to comply with the civic behaviour, which some people have disregarded lately. This means also that peole must follow the new rules for social distancing.

Rali de Portugal 2020 is postponed. New best timing is May 2021

This is another event to be affected by the Covd-19 pandemic. The ACP - Automobile Club of Portugal confirmed this morning it postponed the Rali de Portugal as the county is combatting the new coronavirus pandemic.

"I don't accept that TAP has Lisbon based operations again if it is granted public support"

The declaration by Rui Moreira during his interview to RTP was followed by the statements of the Minister of Infrastructure in Parliament, who said that "if the State supports TAP, it has to uphold national interest".

Open House Porto is postponed for 3rd and 4th July 2021

The Open House Porto 6th edition is rescheduled for 3rd and 4th July 2021. Curators to Open House 2021 are Graça Correia and historian Joel Cleto. This decision was made by the Casa da Arquitectura and the partner municipalities, including Porto City Hall, to ensure the safety of the public and of all those involved in the organisation.

Mayor Rui Moreira's interview to RTP to talk about testing to Covid-19 in Porto, the reopening of the economy, TAP and Matadouro

Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira's interview to Jornal da Tarde of RTP was time to know, first hand, the final results of the testing programme in the city to the elderly and caretakers of nursing homes, as well as other beneficiaries such as people with disabilities, homeless people, institutionalised youth and people with HIV. The Mayor also talked about the reopening of the economy, TAP and Matadouro.

André Tentugal and Gisela João present black and white video of Porto to picture pandemic lockdown

"Transtorno" translates as upset or disorder, as confinement times are difficult times. This is the motto that has driven three Portuguese artists to create a black and white video to picture pandemic lockdown.

Cité des Métiers promotes free online workshops on employability and entrepreneurship

Starting in May, the Cité des Métiers launches free online workshops and personalized service on employability, entrepreneurship and key competences, digital tools and international mobility. Enjoy this period of social distancing to improve competence development and to reboot your professional project.

Support lines to associations in Porto are now open

The Emergency Support Line to Associations in Porto, worth 150 thousand euros, is open from 28th April till 8th May. After the Municipal Executive approval of this measure, the application form is available at the Municipality's website. This mechanism aims to immediately contribute to associations' petty cash found.

Porto Botanical Garden wins "International Garden of Excellence" award

Porto Botanical Garden is showing its beautiful gardens to the world, as its 750 camellia species were awarded the "International Garden of Excellence" prize. The award was granted by the International Camellia Society, following an application submitted by the Direction of the Botanical Garden of the University of Porto, jointly with the Portuguese Camellia Association. An international jury set up by 28 elements unanimously decided to grant the award to Porto Botanical Garden.