News Porto.

Night trip with our friends, the bats at the Parque Oriental

Today, 6th August, there is a trilling nocturnal adventure at the Parque Oriental. There is the opportunity to get to know more about bats and how these mammals live. This initiative marks the 30th anniversary of the years of the Agreement for the Conservation of Bats in Europe, under the Bonn Convention.

This is a city special at Serralves

The “Serralves em Luz” project to refresh and recharge body and soul, which started on 29 July and will go on until 17 October. The dream of an “ambitious visual and sensory experiment that transports the visitor to different perceptions between the real and the imaginary” is a dream come true with the 24 installations that illuminate the three kilometres in Serralves.

Researchers from Porto develop job seeker mobile app

A new job seeker mobile app was developed by researchers at the Systems and Computer Engineering Institute of Porto (INESC Porto). It is called ‘Life Skills VR - Life Skills for Employment in COVID-19 Era through VR Innovation and it could be a swift tool to help mitigate the unemployment rates due to the ongoing pandemic. The project takes on a consortium format that includes countries such as the United Kingdom, Greece, Italy and Malta.

Team of the U.Porto reaches podium at the World Data League Final

A team of PhD students of FEUP and researchers of INESC TEC reached second podium position at the World Data League (WDL) Final.

Porto PianoFest sixth edition brings international artists to different venues in the city

Porto PianoFest 6th edition kicked off yesterday and will run until 8 August, with concerts in several spaces in town. A programme novelty this year is the artistic residencies for musicians. “Vem ouvir pianistas de topo”, which translates as “Come listen top-level pianists” (free translation] is the motto for this edition of Porto PianoFest, an event that gathers internationally recognised pianists in town, who will offer concerts and masterclasses.

Step into the Patio of the University of Porto and rejoice with simple pleasures

The cultural highlights of these past evenings at the U. Porto included cinema, theatre, music, toads and frogs (!) and concludes on 1 August the Teatro Universitário do Porto (TUP) takes to the stage the performance ‘Mono’, by Joana Mont Alverne: “It is a tribute to the ‘lifeless monos [word used to describe people who do not experience a true life, who do not fully enjoy and feel alive], or to the ‘mono-people’.

Mayors of Porto, Valongo and Maia argue that a heliport is urgently needed in the Hospital de S. João

The outlining goal is to shorten the response times when dealing with serious patients’ situations, namely politraumayised patients, whose handling must be as swift as possible in order to, literally, increase the chances of saving more lives. Thus, the Hospital de São João wants to have a heliport, as it once did.

“There is no place like Porto”, as the Invicta is under the Hollywood’s radar, this time starring in 'The Suicide Squad'

Porto is (again) in the international spotlight and this time it involves actress from Porto, Daniela Melchior and the Invicta as ‘characters’ in the latest “The Suicide Squad” film, by James Gunn. The film gets to movie theatres this 5 August.

Working space reservations at the Campus Paulo Cunha e Silva are open

Starting in September, the Campus Paulo Cunha e Silva will have a daily class programme for performing arts professionals. It will begin after the summer and classes run from Monday to Friday, in the morning, between 9.30 am and 11.30 am. Classes can be purchased as of July, at 3 euros per class. However, there is a class package of 10 classes at 25 euros, which can be purchased via the Online Ticket Office, at

“Hello darkness my old friend!”

The next “Noite com Morcegos”, aka “Evening with Bats” happens on 6 August, but there are other dates in the timetable that will give you this unique opportunity to enter a not-to-miss nocturnal adventure in the city’s parks and green spaces.