News Porto.

Severe weather warning for the weekend

The Municipal Civil Protection has issued a warning on adverse meteorological conditions will start as of this afternoon. As a result of the worsening of weather conditions, starting this Friday, 19th February, car traffic is to be halted at Av. Dom Carlos I, in the seafront. Traffic is prohibited starting at 9 pm. Restriction to circulations is to be lifted as soon as weather conditions permit. The situation is re-assed on 20th February.

Porto de Tradição Municipal Fund pledges a total of 400 thousand euros to support historic stores

The Porto de Tradição programme advances a 400 thousand euros municipal fund to support afflicted businesses and stores, as well as entities. Nineteen shops have successfully applied to the financial aid regarding restoration of spaces and investment solutions for business sustainability. The next Executive Meeting will vote on this matter.

Online training programme to boost stamina

Compete against yourself and develop a wellbeing routine that includes completing an at-home workout moves routine. The programme #Treinaemcasa delivers a 20-minute class that will help boost your stamina while it delivers guidelines to avoid personal injuries. Start getting fit now.

Figuring out what to do? Why not watch a movie with the “Quarentena Cinéfila”?

This is a longing that can actually materialise: sitting at home with family and loved ones and watching an amazing film. Medeia Filmes is delivering the “Quarentena Cinéfila” once again, during the second confinement. Take time to watch “Road to Nowhere”, by Monte Hellman, awarded with Jury Award Special Lion for Career Achievement, in 2010.

Understage by TMP can be a true mood saviour: try Conferência Inferno on 19th February. It is free

The band from Porto, Conferência Inferno debut their first album – Ata Saturna – on 19th February, at 10 pm. The band takes to the Understage at Rivoli and the concert will be streamed live, on Facebook and at the Youtube TMP channel. Access is free.

Northern Region proves to be more resilient to the pandemic constraints as export rates continue to grow

Export enterprises in the Northern Region are adapting better to the economic decline caused by the pandemic, and in some cases there is a “surprising growth” as is the case of Critical Software, which closed the year as a whole with exports up by 11%, a total turnover of 64 million euros.

Porto City Hall grants financial support of 280 thousand euros to public schools in the city

Porto City Hall grants financial aid of 280 thousand euros to public schools in the municipality. This decision was approved unanimously during the last Executive Meeting. This amount will be used to support logistical and material costs, socio-educational support, scientific and technological literacy projects and the purchase of Individual Protection Equipment (IPE).

FEUP student creates game that helps teens control their emotions

The GamEmotion is a computer game that will make it possible to improve the emotional regulation process. It was developed by Pedro França, a finalist of the master degree in Informatics and Computer Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP).

A chance to look ahead to the Social Innovation breakthroughs

Porto City Hall, namely the Social Innovation Centre (CIS), promotes another Meetup, on entrepreneurship and innovation, on the topic “The Social Innovation Process: Opportunities & challenges to systemic change”. The online event unfolds on 25th February, between 9.30 am and 12.30 pm.

The lake in the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal undergoes rehabilitation works

The rehabilitation of the lake in the Gardens of Palácio de Cristal kicks off this Monday, 22nd February. This municipal investment of circa 132 million euros should be completed in the second half of the month of April. The work is carried out by the Municipal Company GO Porto - Gestão e Obras do Porto, and it is targeted at the general waterproofing treatment of the lake, open cracks, fissures, wall repair and hydraulic infrastructure works.