News Porto.

Blip has done it again: it is hiring, and 70 jobs await

Blip is currently hiring (again!). There are 70 open vacancies that can lead you to finding a job at this Portuguese Porto-based technological company that is “a top of the edge software engineering company”. Even amid the pandemic, Blip did not stop and is looking for candidates to fulfil 70 work posts.

Teatro Municipal do Porto takes performances to the online stage: join them

TMP’s online programming of the coming weeks includes the premiere of "F…" by the company theatre Estrutura; a new session of “Quintas de Leitura”, the streaming of the Understage cycle and a virtual meeting between the Teatro Experimental do Porto and the Chilean company Teatro La Maria.

The Municipality of Porto sets out internal pioneering measures to combat the hardening of the pandemic

The country is battling a rapid outbreak of Covid-19 new infections; as such, the Municipality of Porto continues to ensure both the safety of municipal workers performing essential activities and the regular functioning of services.

Bolhão Temporary Market adjusts business hours

Buying groceries at Bolhão Temporary Market is still ensured, amid the hardening of the pandemic preventive measures, although business hours have been adjusted, as of 26th January.

Deadline submission for rent support municipal programme extended to 15th February

Applications to the 9th edition of the Municipal Programme “Porto Solidário” are extended until 15th February. This programme is targeted at granting economic support to economic vulnerable households regarding house rent or purchase. This economic relief can go up to 350 euros per month. See how to apply here.

Natixis shifts more than 200 jobs from its headquarters in Paris to Porto

Natixis, the second-largest banking group in France, which inaugurated its Technological and Information Skills Centre in Porto, in 2018, will shift jobs from its Parisian headquarters to the city of Porto. This means that circa 200 work stations will add to Natixis services portfolio in Porto, operating in the former Central Shopping building, in Porto.

The doctor from Porto who wants to set poems from the PALOP and East Timor to music

Rui Soares da Costa, surgeon, composer and musician, granted an interview to “Porto.”, and explained a project of his that has been around for a while, which he is now trying to get to new horizons: to set to music a project themed “Natal Português”, with poems written in the PALOP and East Timor, and offers cues on how to assess music, by explaining the difference (or not), between lyrics and music, as well as clarifying how he composes music.

Rui Moreira announces new Emergency Support Line to associations

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira announced he is to put forward a proposal to open a new Emergency Support Line to Associations in Porto, within 15 days’ time, during the private Executive Meeting, held on 25th January, by videoconference.

The Municipality of Porto suspended parking meter payment in the city

The Municipality of Porto suspended all payment obligations, as regards outdoor parking spaces, starting 25th January. This measure is in line with the hardening of measures amid the Covid-19 pandemic, namely the mandatory curfew and the closing of schools.

Schools are closed but family support is ensured

Porto City Hall reactivated the programme to support vulnerable families amid the hardening of the pandemic crisis; as such, meal service is available in designated schools for the children that need it, as well as for children whose parents and tutors have to work as essential workers and do not have a household background to support them.