News Porto.

Creativity says Porto and the Northern Region

The tourism campaign themed ““Lá em Cima” [“Up There”, free translation], launched in July 2020, by the Porto Tourism Association (ATP) and the Tourism of Porto and Northern Portugal (TPNP), was granted awards in three categories of the Prémios Lusófonos da Criatividade (Lusophone Creativity Awards, free translation]: a Silver award for the copy, in the Production Category, and two Bronze awards in the Digital Category, for the efficacy, both for the digital campaign and the web video.

At home or outside, the final festive days bring colourful programmes for the entire family!

The festive weekend still asks for more Covid-19 restrictions; however, there are plenty of options to follow when it comes to finding one suitable Saturday and Sunday leisure programme. Enjoy some of the suggestions by “Porto.”.

Happy New Year!

Porto City Hall wishes you a happy and healthy New Year!

Seven new urban art projects will define the Mural da Restauração

The seven artists that will present their artwork under the programme of Porto Urban Art have been selected: Diogo Pintampum, Low Class Club, Matilde Cunha, Leonor Violeta, Mariana Bento (Malva), Tiago de Carvalho (Oaktree), and Henrikas Riškas will display their artistic interventions in the city’s public space. This is in accordance with the Open Call, launched last 12th December. The initiative is implemented by the municipal company Ágora – Cultura e Desporto do Porto.

The Christmas circus at Coliseu Porto Ageas offers a streaming session on 1st January

A modern and unique take at the circus magic in is town, hosted by Coliseu Porto Ageas, with the added romance of-one-of-a-kind joyful experience. The good news is that the circus magic will enter everyone’s home via an exclusive streaming session, on 1st January, at 5pm.

BUS (STCP) and Metro adjust the offer of services for the end of the year

STCP bus fleet and Metro lines in Porto will adjust the offer of services on the last day of 2020 and the first day of 2021, in line with the measures in place, under the State of Emergency, and in accordance with the slump in demand. Thus, on 31st December, buses (STCP) will run following the Saturday schedule, and the first day of 2021, the early hours service will not take place, and as of 6am, the Sundays and Holidays timetables will enter in place.

This year, São Silvestre do Porto was raced online

This year, the São Silvestre race of Porto, scheduled for 26 and 27 December, was raced online, on a virtual environment, for the first time ever. Participants could choose between the 10km race or the 5km walk, always in compliance with the safety measures issued by the health authorities, in each part of the Globe, namely physical distancing.

Louise Bourgeois at the Serralves Museum

The Serralves Museum hosts the exhibit by Louise Bourgeois (Paris-1911 to New York – 2010), until 20th June. The display spans her work, featuring seven decades of Bourgeois’ oeuvre between the end of the 1940’s and 2010. Her artwork has been displayed in several museums all around the world, with exhibits that deal with sensitive topics from her childhood, such as family, sexuality, the body, the mind, death and the unconscious, which she has healed and exorcized through her art practice.

Presidential candidates offer compliments to Mayor Rui Moreira

The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, welcomed two candidates to the Portuguese Presidential election that will take place the coming year. Vitorino Silva visited today the Mayor at the City Hall, just a few weeks from the visit by candidate Ana Gomes. They both went to the City Council to offer their compliments.

Brace yourselves! It’s time for UP Running!

2021 is just around the corner and the U.Porto race group, the UP Running is back on the road on 4th January. Participation is free to all UP members. If you think you cannot accept this challenge, if you think you cannot run half a kilometres and feel exhausted, think again, because UPRunning will prove that all obstacles can be surpassed.