News Porto.

Discount vouchers are displayed in shop windows and lead the run to the best Xmas shopping in Porto

It is hard not to notice the label indicating that a shop or store offers direct discount of 2 euros per each 20-euro buy. This campaign was launched by Porto City Hall to help boost local retailers and traditional trade during this festive season, amid the ongoing pandemic. The label resembles Xmas decorations and marks the stores that have adhered to this municipal campaign by the Municipality of Porto, in partnership with the Association of Traders of Porto.

Porto Municipal Gallery shows “Que horas são que horas”! It genuinely is food for the soul

Take time to visit the exhibition themed “Que horas são que horas”, curated by José Maia, Paula Parente Pinto and Paulo Mendes. It opened on 17th December, and it pictures the role that a Municipal Gallery must play in the city. Mayor Rui Moreira already visited the exhibition, which inaugurated precisely two weeks after “Nets of Hyphae”. Both exhibits are on show at Porto Municipal Gallery until 14th February 2021.

There is a Christmas Challenge at Mercado Temporário do Bolhão: buy your way into the podium places

Customers still have till the 23rd December to accept the challenge “Natal no Bolhão 2020” by the Mercado Temporário do Bolhão (MTB), ongoing on social media, and take the prize: a charming kit of Xmas goodies that includes lunch boxes, kitchen ware, shopping bags or recycling bins.

The building of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Porto is an eco-friendly building

Circa 400 photovoltaic panels and over 3.300 LED bulbs have been installed at the FLUP’s building, making it now 88% more efficient than the benchmark, as it is rated as B level, since October last. In addition, more than 250 windows have been replaced, as well. This is an unprecedented initiative that provided FLUP’s building with the best energetic performance.

Porto Pedestrian areas are suspended till the end of 2020

Porto City Hall decided to suspend, temporarily, the project regarding the city’s pedestrian areas, due to the mandatory curfew issued by the Government, which is in place on weekends as of 1pm.The municipal decision is in place until December ends and it was taken under the current constraints owing to the pandemic, to help prevent the spread of the new coronavirus in the community.

Buy local and get your gifts wrapped in these charming customised Porto. shopping bags!

Take time, Sunday morning, and the days still left to Christmas and stroll around downtown Porto, where local shops and traditional trade offer the thing you are looking for, with added bonus – the registered stores offer a direct discount of 2 euros per each 20-euros buy. Shops have a label indicating that they have adhered to this municipal initiative. And the unique presents you will gift are wrapped in a charming customised recycled Porto. shopping bag.

Exhibition Catalogue of “Culturas e Geografias” organised by the MHNC-UP is the Best of the Year

The exhibition catalogue of the “Cultures and Geographies. Centenary of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto” display, organised by the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto was acknowledged “Best of the year”, by the Portuguese Association of Museology. This weekend, take time to see the exhibition at the MHNC-UP, at the Jardim da Cordoaria, from 10am till 1pm.

Everything in the yard is jazz, this Saturday and the next

The next two Saturdays, the Porta Jazz Association brings the two last outdoors concerts of 2020. The stage is the "Quintal Porta-Jazz", something like "Porta-Jazz backyard"; on 19th December, the WIZ trio, with the Portuguese José Pedro Coelho, on the saxophone, the French Wilfred Wilde on the electric guitar and the Spanish Iago Fernandez, on the drums, take to the stage at 11am.

U.Porto joins the Short film festival in-between the shortest day and the longest night of the year

The 8th edition of the “O Dia Mais Curto" [aka, “The shortest Day”, free translation] features the Curtas Festival at the Biodiversity Gallery, at the Planetarium of Porto and at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the University of Porto, on 21st December. Goodbye autumn. Hello winter.

When companies choose Porto as a foreign investment destination, this is what happens…

Talent, competence, good infrastructure, life quality and a favourable macroeconomic scenario are some of the most relevant drivers for foreign investment in Porto. An while Porto is constantly and steadily developing and strengthening its markets, this is poised to create jobs and increase employment, in a city that is viewed as a pool of exceptional resources of specialized knowledge, ability and talent, as, for example, recently stated by Euronext’s CEO.