News Porto.

Serralves devotes the weekend to Yoko Ono's artwork and features a cinema cycle

Serralves Museum features a cinema cycle devoted to the artwork by the Japanese-American Conceptual and Performance Artist and musician Yoko Ono, with the screening of seven short-films and the long-film "Imagine", on 19th and 20th September, respectively. This cinema cycle is held in the framework of the exhibition "The Learning Garden of Freedom" by Yoko Ono, which inaugurated last May, and will be on show at the Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art till 15th November.

Free skate classes continue on weekdays and weekends till September ends

Skating lessons continue throughout September, following the strengthening of the number of free sessions that kicked off in July, which were extended in August. Skaters are still able to profit from these free classes both on weekdays and weekends at the Skate Park de Ramalde, namely on Mondays and on Thursdays, between 5.30pm and 7.30pm, and over the weekend, every Saturday and Sunday, between 10am and 12 noon, weather permitting.

Anton Chekhov's works by Porto Municipal Theatre and São João Theatre

"A Vida Vai Engolir-vos" is the theme of the marathon show at the Teatro Municipal do Porto (TMP), which means something like "Life Will Swallow You Up", brings back the long theatrical performance to the stages of Rivoli, First Half, on 17th and 19th September, Thursday at 7pm and Saturday at 3pm, and the Second Half, at Theatre Nacional São João, on 18th and 19th September, at 8.30pm, respectively.

Recommendations to access the Garden of Passeio das Virtudes during the contingency situation

Access to the Garden of Passeio das Virtudes is conditioned as long as the contingency situation is in effect, to discourage people from gathering in that public site, amid the ongoing pandemic. Porto City Hall put in place temporary railings in that garden, and placed posters with information regarding sanitary recommendations that visitors must comply with: the use of face masks or visor, whenever necessary; hand sanitation with appropriate alcohol gel; social distancing of two metres;...

The Portuguese Photography Centre marks European Heritage Days with guided tours

This year's celebration of the European Heritage Days is marked at the Portuguese Photography Centre with no less than four guided tours to the former Prison Building and Court of Appeal of Porto, which was acknowledged as a national monument since 2017.

The Pharmacy Museum in Porto celebrates Agatha Christie, probably the world's most famous mystery writer

The Pharmacy Museum in Porto celebrates one century of Agatha Christie's debut as a mystery writer and 130 years of her birth, on 17th September, with two sessions at 4.15pm and 5pm.

Trengolas will make you measure time in fun and joy till 26th September

The closing performances of Trengolas are now on 25th and 26th September, as the sessions of the 18th and 19th were postponed. "Por um Fio" ["By a string", free translation], jointly created and performed by Daniel Seabra and Margarida Montenÿ, will put both acrobats in a continuous search for equilibrium between two bodies, using a lose string of two ends at 7 metres high.

DjangoCon Europe 2020 takes the online format from Porto, where it will be held in person in 2021

The 12th edition of the DjangoCon Europe, one of the most relevant events for the web development applications community will be held online, on 18th and 19th September, streamed from Porto.

The extraordinary Porto Book Fair will honour Júlio Dinis in 2021

Rui Moreira announced, during the live broadcasting of the talk with Nuno Faria, for Radio Estação, that the next author to be honoured at Porto Book Fair, in 2021, will be Júlio Dinis, a nineteenth century writer of Porto, who died at the young age of 31 of tuberculosis, which is the reason why some of its works were published posthumously. He was also a poet, a playwright, and novelist, and the first great novelist of modern Portuguese middle-class society; although his novels are still...

Porto International beach rules the waves between 18th and 20th September

Praia International do Porto welcomes the top-notch surfers of Portugal, between 18th and 20th September to take part in the crucial second round of the Liga Meo Surf 2020, a qualifying stage for the National Championship, under the Renault Porto Pro, which is one of the highpoints of the Porto & Matosinhos Wave Series 2020, of the surf contest calendar.