News Porto.

Toolkit for Start-up investment made in Porto

Porto City Hall has launched a toolkit for start-up investment in Porto, to help international investors with business opportunities targeted for the Invicta and in the Northern region of Portugal. The initiative took place on 20 September at the Smart Capital 2018 event, promoted by International Venture Club (IVC) in partnership with Porto City Hall.

Why waste water? AquaPorto shows the importance of H2O for life

Porto plays host to the 5th edition of AquaPorto 2018, which starts on 28 September and runs till 30 September. Around 130 scientific experiences, educational activities and fun games are part of this edition's programme, whose goal is to educate the public about water waste, water recycling increase and safe reuse. All activities are free.

The University of Porto is the only Portuguese University to be listed among the 500 world

The University of Porto (U. Porto) is the only Portuguese university to make it to the biggest international league table, according to the Times Higher Education World University Ranking.

GBIF's 2018 Young Researchers Award honours student of U. Porto for climate-driven changes investigation

The GBIF's 2018 Young Researchers' Award was granted to Raquel Gaião Silva, graduate from the Faculty of Sciences of Porto University. This is the first time that this prize is awarded to a Portuguese student.

FIMP brings Puppet Theatre Art to Porto in October

It's been 29 years that FIMP- the International Puppet Show of Porto sets the standard internationally when it comes to the puppet art world. This edition is no exception. FIMP programme includes troupes from Portugal, Spain, France and Canada.

BEAST International Film Festival kicks off today

The 2nd edition of BEAST - International Film Festival kicks off 26 September in Porto. This year's edition is devoted to Ukraine. The programme includes special sessions and competition sessions, as well as masterclasses and workshops that will be held in different places all over the city of Porto, namely Cinema Passos Manuel, Municipal Library Almeida Garrett, Casa das Artes, and OKNA Espaço Cultural, the headquarters of this year's Festival.

Critical Sofware and BMW get down to business in the city of Porto

The future of cars is already in Porto, and the address is Campo Alegre Street. The company is the Portuguese Critical Software that jointly with the multinational BMW will develop the car of the future. This joint venture between Critical software and BMW, named Critical TechWorks, is shaking up the car industry as pioneer software to be used onboard BMW cars is being produced in Porto.

Welcome autumn in Serralves and bring all the folks

Join the Autumn Festival on 29 and 30 September. An entertainment for all, in the rural area of Serralves Farm. Workshops, walking trails, theatre performances, music shows, installations, and traditional games are some of the activities included in the programme.

Researcher at i3S chairs Nanomedicine Focus Group

The researcher from i3S, in Porto, Bruno Sarmento, and Nanomedicines & Translational Drug Delivery team leader, was recently appointed President of the Nanomedicine Focus Group of the Controlled Release Society.

Concert by Elisa Rodrigues at House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio

Elisa Rodrigues, the revelation singer, will perform at House Museum Marta Ortigão Sampaio, in the context of the "Jornadas Europeias do Património" [European Heritage Days], on 28 September, at 6 pm. The event is jointly organised by Porto metropolitan Area and Porto City Hall. Admittance is free but subject to room capacity.