News Porto.

International meeting brings mayors together to discuss more inclusive policies

The initiative was part of the Champion Mayors Initiative for Inclusive Growth, of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), regarding Bloomberg CityLab 2022.

Rui Moreira brings innovation to equality in Porto, the international conference of mayors

The Mayor of Porto was present at the Champion Mayors Initiative for Inclusive Growth, of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Symbols of World Youth Day walked the streets of Porto

There was also a Way of the Cross, led by young people from the parishes of the city, lived by more than half a thousand worshippers and preceded by a special celebration with homeless people in the Church of the Santíssima Trindade.

Porto elected the Europe's Leading City Destination 2022

Porto was elected Europe’s Leading City Destination 2022, on the 29th edition of the World Travel Awards (WTA), a ceremony that took place last night, in Palma de Mallorca (Spain). The award, which once again places the city in the elite of the best European destinations, was received by the councillor for Tourism and Internationalization, Catarina Santos Cunha.

The first stage of works of Matadouro de Campanhã is complete

The first stage of works of Matadouro de Campanhã is complete. The construction work, conducted by the company Mota Engil, included the cleaning of the area, demolitions, earthmoving, and the drilling of existing structures, in addition to experimenting materials to be used in the reconstruction of the building. The Japanese architect Kengo Kuma visited this iconic project, carried out in partnership with the award-winning Portuguese architects of OODA.

The European Commission selected Porto to take part in the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change

The European Commission selected Porto to take part in the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change, placing it back at the forefront of cities with better environmental policies.

Batalha Centro de Cinema opens on December 9 and has already revealed its programme

The Batalha has already set a date for the inauguration. The refurbished and modernised building will reopen on December 9, announced, this Wednesday, the Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira, during the press conference in which we also learned about the artistic programming of the Batalha Centro de Cinema, presented by the artistic director, Guilherme Blanc.

New high-speed rail will connect Porto-Lisbon in one hour and 15 minutes

In 2030, Porto-Lisbon will be connected with a new high-speed rail, with an estimated dislocation period of 1 hour and 15 minutes. A direct, non-stop service. The construction is divided in three phases, being that the first phase, the track section between Porto and Soure, is scheduled for completion in 2028.

A more sustainable outlook for Porto's tourism future

On World Tourism Day, which is celebrated on the 27th, the Municipality of Porto presented a new strategy for this sector, focused on positive tourism, with new perspectives, enhancing the attractiveness of the city and ensuring, simultaneously, sustainability for its residents.

The first Northern Breast Milk Bank was created in Hospital de São João

The São João Hospital opened today the Breast Milk Bank, the first in the North and which will, surely, nourish the most fragile babies hospitalised in neonatal units.