News Porto.

Teatro Municipal do Porto new season presented on 6 September in Rivoli

September 6 will bring forward the fourth quarter programming period of Porto Municipal Theatre with special premieres of foreign and national artists.

Porto City Race awaits you!

Over one thousand participants from 14 different nationalities will enter the VI Porto City Race, to be held from 22 to 24 September.

MG's European Event of the Year 2017 is in town

Porto plays host to the MG's European Event of the Year 2017 starting today, 3 August and running until Sunday, 6 August.

Sailing World Championship in Porto and Matosinhos waters

The Sailing World Championship 49ers and 49erFX, one of the most important Olympic Sailing Classes Championship is to be held in the North of Portugal, in the cities of Porto and Matosinhos.

Porto welcomes EMA

There is no institutional script to this storytelling; Rather, the voices of citizens from Porto, some native some adopted, spotlight the quality of life of a city that is prepared to host EMA.

The invention of photography in the nineteenth century and its arrival in Porto

Casa do Infante, in Porto, promotes August 2, a free access lecture on the invention of photography, and its evolution throughout the nineteenth century. An early celebration of World Photography Day, marked August 19.

Last days to visit "Leonardo Da Vinci- the Genius" in Porto and entrance is free

The exhibition was due to close yesterday but the organisation has decided to say farewell to Porto by offering two more days of Da Vinci's works of art free of charge for the public vue.

Porto PianoFest Festival in Porto starts today

The opening concert of Porto PianoFest Festival pays homage to Olga Prats. Pianists Artur Pizarro, Alejandro Oliva, Nuno Marques and António Victorino de Almeida will pay tribute to the 65-year career of pianist Olga Prats in Casa da Música.

The Guardian unveils a journalist's happy adventure to destination unknown

Liz Boulter's husband decided to offer his wife a ""much needed holiday" and The Guardian Reporter Liz Boulter embarked on a journey without knowing where she would "land".

Finissage of painting exhibition by Rosário Forjaz and Jean-Jacques Maho to the sound of jazz

Painting exhibition "sussurro e effacement", made of paintings by Rosário Forjaz and Jean-Jacques Maho, at Galeria Porto Oriental, ends Saturday with a jazz performance.