News Porto.

Open House Porto showcases outstanding architecture in July, 1 and 2

"Open House Porto", which is scheduled for July 1 and 2, will showcase outstanding architecture that visitors will be able to explore and discover for free in Porto, Gaia and Matosinhos.

Folk dance groups give downtown Porto a vibrant life

Keeping with tradition of the festivities of São João, Saturday, 17 June, starting at 3 pm, there is a parade of folk dance groups through the streets of Porto to honour the patron of the city.

The 28th Ecsite Annual Conference is in full swing in Porto, Portugal from 15 to 17 June

Porto, one of the most vibrant cities in all of Europe, hosts the 28th Ecsite Annual Conference bringing together 1,000+ science engagement professionals, from Thursday to Saturday, at Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto.

Nice and warm weather guarantee excellent outings in Porto

Different street markets enliven the streets of Porto these days. Set out on a discovery of this seven events that are free of charge.

Mercado Bom Sucesso celebrates 4th anniversary with Mallu Magalhães

The Mercado do Bom sucesso offers a free concert by Brazilian singer, songwriter and musician Mallu Magalhães, June 13th starting at 10 pm in order to celebrate its innovative shopping and leisure areas, inaugurated 4 years ago.

Bombarda district features the 4th Cycle of Art Exhibitions

Miguel Bombarda Arts Quarter features a new cycle of art exhibits, June 17th, starting at 4 pm. This is the fourth cycle, with 18 galleries showcasing new exhibitions to the public.

Anxiety vs Felicity - the fight of the century or the billion-dollar fight at Rivoli

Floyd Anxiety and Manny Felicity are in Las Vegas for the fight of the century or the billion-dollar fight. This is the narrative structure of this contemporary dance performance by Marta Freitas and Balleteatro Professional School, which premieres June 14th at Rivoli, IAC Auditorium, starting at 9.30 pm.

Claus Porto returns home and celebrates with a shop that is a museum in Rua das Flores

The three-storey building was completely remodelled to meet the company's standards. In Rua das Flores, the history of a brand that reached out the whole world unveils. The store opened to the public today.

Old time tradition, roller car race in Bonfim, Porto on June 15th

São João is also celebrated in Bonfim, a parish from Porto that will be the stage of a roller car race, June 15th, starting at 3 pm.

Boutique beer and street food in Porto Beer Fest

The 2nd edition of Porto Beer Fest will take place in Palácio de Cristal, June 14 to 18. This event takes place in the scope of São João Festival Programme in Porto and it includes handmade beer and street food, combined with concerts and DJ performances.