News Porto.

Gastronomic event in Porto set the table in D. João I Square

One of the most popular gastronomic events in Porto is back to D. João I Square. This is the fifth time that both people from Porto and visitors to town can have a bit of something that excites the desire for more.

Leisure and culture activities that "Verão é no Porto" hosted in town

Over 400 suggestions for entertainment and conviviality have enlivened the city of Porto these last three months. Like in previous years, the municipal programme "Verão é no Porto" (summer is in Porto) enabled a diversified programming full of events throughout the city.

Annual Conference to debate cyber-security and cybercrime on a global scale in Porto in October

Cyber security and cybercrime specialists will meet in Porto for the annual Conference "eCrime Cyber-Security Symposium 2017" that will run from 24 to 26 October, at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto.

Porto Fashion Week celebrates fashion with a number of events

The 10th Edition of Porto Fashion Week kicks off 28 September with numerous events taking place in the city of Porto. Porto Fashion Week Night Out, Porto Fashion Film Festival, MODtissimo, on its 50th edition, the 10th iTechStyle Innovation Business Forum, the Fashion People competition and the 10th Port Wine Fashion make this a full week devoted to fashion businesses.

Queer Porto - International Queer Film Festival from 4 to 8 October at Rivoli

Queer Porto - International Queer Film Festival, in its third Edition, is already a consolidated cultural event in Porto's cultural rentrée. The festival features, as usual, a multidisciplinary programming, offering the best there is regarding different methods and interpretations of queer culture.

The largest international event on water gathers more than 60 countries in Porto

Porto Water Innovation Week starts today. This event runs till 30 September and makes Porto the European Capital of Water and Innovation committed to find a global solution for the challenges facing the planet.

Distinguished Gentleman's Ride suited up to ride through Porto and raise Money to supporting the Movember Foundation

Sunday afternoon, 24 September, Porto joined other 600 cities all over the world to unite for a common and noble cause: to raise money to support prostate cancer and men's mental health. Participants have to dress up and ride a classical or vintage motorbike through town to raise awareness on important health issues.

Exhibition of drawings by José Rodrigues and Raquel Rocha celebrates Heritage

Port Wine Museum, in the city of Porto opens 23 September the exhibition "Celebração" (Celebration) that includes drawings by master José Rodrigues in co-authorship with Raquel Rocha.

World community of investors met with city's entrepreneurs

This event was promoted by Porto City Hall, ANJE- National Association for Young Entrepreneurs and Indico Capital Partners. ANJE headquarters played host to the meeting that gathered over 100 senior investors for the corporate segment, independent venture-capital fund managers, strategic investors and company leaders.

Porto Water Innovation Week invites for conferences and Water Festival

Sunday, 24 September, Porto Water Innovation Week kicks off. Until the end of September, this event makes Porto the European Capital for Water and Innovation. More than 1200 participants from 60 countries, two conferences, and two display areas for companies and investigation institutes, startups investigation, a cocreation lab and "team building" and the Aquaporto Festival make up the programme.