News Porto.

The perfect setting: the Matadouro de Campanhã is on its way to being a landmark building

The wheel excavators of Mota Engil entered the building of the former Matadouro Industrial de Campanhã. This building stage comprises the demolition of all the elements that have been compromised by degradation. The Mayor of Porto, Rui Moreira visited the site yesterday morning, accompanied by Horácio Sá, Mota Engil Engenharia board chairman, by Carlos Mota Santos, Mota Engil board member, architect Luís Sousa, of the civil construction company in charge of the project.

The prestigious Champions League trophy is already in Porto

This is a moment of joy for football aficionados and a significant event for the city of Porto. The prestigious Champions League trophy is already in the Invicta, in front of the old Municipal Prison, located at the Largo do Amor de Perdição. The match is set for Saturday, 29 May, at 8 pm, and one of the teams will hold the coveted trophy once the winner is declared. The PSP – Police for Public Safety – has already announced the strengthening of the security measures.

Sixty thousand euros to strengthen the taxi transportation protocol to vaccination sites is voted by the Municipal Executive on 31 May

The Municipal Executive votes a resolution to strengthen the support to taxi companies with 60 thousand euros, under the protocol to transport beneficiaries to vaccination sites.

Celebrating Children’s Day with the online activities by Ágora

It is time to cheer children all over, as the International Children’s Day is just around the corner; this day is celebrated on 1 June and the municipal company Ágora marks the date online, on 29 and 30 May, with a whole series of playful and educational activities, such as reading, poetry, cinema, workshops and sports. The meeting-point will be Agora’s social media – Facebook and Instagram - due to the ongoing health measures, namely reduced seat availability.

Outdoor cinema cycle on Portuguese music at the Casa Comum of the Rectory

The Casa Comum of the Universidade do Porto, in partnership with IndieLisboa, features an outdoor cinema cycle on Portuguese music. Sessions are entrance free and are scheduled for 3, 4 and 5 June, at 9.30 pm, in the Patio of the Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto (in Cordoaria).

Concertos Promenade cycle is back and they are the idyllic Sunday event for the entire family

As we ease back into welcoming outdoor weekends, why not celebrate Sunday, 30 May, at Coliseu Porto Ageas, for the musical performance “Peter and the Wolf”, the first show under the cycle “Concertos Promenade”. The debut is narrated live by known actor and comedian Bruno Nogueira. Ticket prices range from 6 to 14 euros.

“There are double standards” regarding vaccination in Portugal, affirms Rui Moreira

The Mayor of Porto affirmed this morning that “it is not acceptable that as regards vaccination, there are territorial criteria, when they were not in place, previously”. Rui Moreira considers that “there are double standards” and that the Government and the health authorities did not go well regarding the loosening measures implemented in Lisbon, even if there has been a decline or a clarification”. “The North and the rest of the country are treated differently regarding the capital”.

Porto affirms that cities must have a greater say as regards the European Union recovery

The vice-Mayor of Porto City Hall, Filipe Araújo, who also leads the Environment Forum of the EUROCITIES network, participated in the online Conference on the Future of Europe, on 25 May, upon invitation by the Friends of Europe, to discuss the role of cities and citizens as key components regarding the European recovery.

Virtual visit to the Terminal Intermodal de Campanhã! Get your ticket

It is all about change, real change. The initiative “Inovação Fora de Portas - Engenharia Civil à Mostra” [“Innovation outdoors – Civil Engineering on display”, free translation] will take to the virtual platform to lead you in a conversation on the technological and innovative side of one of the most significant works in Porto. Rendez-vous is set for Friday, 28 May, at 6.30 pm. Participation is free, but prior registration is mandatory.

Second Shuttle tender is ongoing until 4 June

The municipal programme Shuttle second tender for 2021 accommodates applications until 4 June, by artists, authors and cultural agents based in Porto. The main goal of this project is to boost the internationalisation of the contemporary artistic scene of Porto, by financing logistic and production expenses as regards the international promotion of shows.