News Porto.

Integration of the Porto Municipality in the Network of Local Authorities for Equality

A cooperation agreement will be signed with Questão de Igualdade – Associação para a Inovação Social (Association for Social Innovation).

One of the best places to travel to in 2023? Forbes chooses Porto

The American magazine Forbes has made its choice and Porto is one of the 50 must-visit places for 2023.

The city reaps the fruits of the urban forests that are being born in the road interchanges

Porto became a little greener on Tuesday morning with the planting of over a thousand native trees and shrubs during new interventions in the Biospots network, in the Regado and Francos interchanges.

Batalha Cinema Centre dedicates retrospective to the indigenous collective COUSIN

The programme, which will feature members of the North American collective, includes film sessions, a live act and a performance.

President of the Network of Houses and Museums of European Musicians received at the City Hall

With the aim of defining the future partnership to boost the Moreira de Sá e Costa House.

Pedro Amaro and Mónica Silva were the fastest runners at the São Silvestre do Porto

The starting shot was heard at 6 p.m. on Sunday for the most traditional of road races (and walks).

In the Igreja da Lapa (Church of Lapa), the “monument in the form of an organ” will be heard again

The occasion is solemn and will mark the night of Wednesday, January 11th: “One of the greatest gems of Porto will be heard again loud and clear, in fact, as it has not been heard for quite some time”.

The future of disease treatment and prevention will pass through the Centro de Ciência e Inovação at São João

This structure, which will be completed in the second half of 2023, will optimize the logistical conditions for conducting clinical trials.

Researchers from Porto create a pioneering tool for the study of epileptic seizures

Research published in the journal Nature Scientific Reports, allows the “automatic classification” and in “near-real” time of epilepsy seizures trough an infrared radar and three-dimensional (3D) videos.

Several Porto events are in the running at the Iberian Festival Awards

The votes are taking place until January 16.