
UNESCO published the Culture|2030 Indicators

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Miguel Nogueira

UNESCO published the Culture|2030 Indicators, on 19th November 2019. This announcement was made during the Forum of Ministers of Culture at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France. 

The Culture|2030 indicators is the official outline that measures and monitors the progress of culture and its contribution to the national and local implementation of the Goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, tout court.

This framework of targets was established by the contributions of various experts, jointly with UNESCO Institute of Statistics (UIS) in Montreal. Also, two important international Expert Workshops were organized, in September 2017 and in January 2018, as well as a consultation with 193 Member States, which was launched on May 2019, with the purpose of seeking feedback from the Member States on the ongoing efforts to develop a framework of thematic indicators to measure the role and contribution of Culture to the 2030 Agenda.

The Culture|2030 Indicators is published both in English and French, and it is possible to look for a specific World heritage Site and skim through the following categories: description, maps, documents, gallery, video and indicators.

It is worth mentioning that Porto Historic centre was named World Heritage by UNESCO on 5th December 1996. 

Porto scored podium finish as World's 100 Most Popular UNESCO World Heritage Sites on Instagram 2019. Porto Historic Centre stands out as third most popular intagrammable out of 100 UNESCO World Heritage Historic Centres, as stated in the CEOWORLD magazine, which ranks the world based on a variety categories ranging from the richest people on the planet to the best business schools, top universities, companies, and executives.

Colourful and iconic buildings, oceanside appeal and stunning views. Fiery sunsets. Clérigos Tower. Ribeira or Serralves Museum. Can you picture it? Good!

As much a heritage destination as it is for contemporary culture, Porto will sweep you off your feet. After all, Porto was three times elected European Best Destination.