
1820 celebration programme debates "The Creation of Liberties" on 5th November

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The International Congress on "The Creation of Liberties", under the celebration of the bicentennial of the Liberal Revolution in Porto had to be reorganised amid the ongoing pandemic, and on 5th November, the original programme only keeps the opening session, at the Municipal Library Almeida Garrett. This event is open to all audiences. Prior registration is mandatory. 

The history of liberty is common to all periods in History, as an ideal and as a reason to fight liberty deprivation and tyranny, slavery, servitude or other forms of oppression. This congress will navigate all these topics to promoting a cross cutting debate on the creation and regulation of freedoms, not only within a historic perspective, but also within a literary, artistic, philosophical, sociological and a legal and political viewpoint.

Everything was set to gather circa 60 Portuguese and foreign lecturers and interaction with the public, but due to the ongoing pandemic, the organising commission decided to transform the event into a collective work themed "A Construção da(s) Liberdade(s)", ["The Creation of Liberties", free translation], which is to be released in 2021. The original programme only keeps the opening session, which is as follows:

9.30am - welcoming of participants

10am - Opening ceremony

10.30am - Ana Luísa Amaral - Da liberdade: respirações

11am - Fernando Catroga - A Revolução Vintista e o processo de constitucionalização da nova ideia de Nação 

12 noon - debate

This event is targeted at all audiences and it is free. Prior registration I mandatory via phone number (+351) 226 077 177 or email


Municipal Library Almeida Garrett

Phone: (+351) 22 608 1000

Organisation: CITCEM - Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «Cultura, Espaço e Memória» | the Faculty of Arts, University of Porto, with the collaboration of Porto City hall and the Rectory of the University of Porto.