
250 Years of Beethoven Celebrated at the U.Porto

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Miguel Nogueira

Get to know Ludwig van Beethoven's work as the University of Porto and Porto Pianofest organise an array of activities devoted to the German composer and pianist, from 6 to 9 January 2020. Entrance is free.

December 16th, 2019 is Beethoven's birthday and marks the beginning of Beethoven's 250th Anniversary Celebration. To celebrate this event, the University of Porto joins Porto Pianofest to feature concerts, debates, piano recitals and chamber music, at Casa Comum of the Rectory of the UP. 

Pianist Nuno Marques curates and directs this ephemeris, scheduled to begin on 6 January. On that day, Nuno Marques will interpret some works by L. Beethoven and F. Schubert.

The following day, on 7 January, Beethoven's influence in the western music will be the motto for a debate at the Casa Comum of the Rectory of the UP, by musicologist Rui Vieira Nery and Rui Pereira, coordinator of the Porto Symphonic Orchestra and assistant artistic director of Casa da Música.

Next on the programme, on 8 January, students of the Porto Music Conservatory and the Silva Monteiro Music Programme take to the stage of Casa Comum to render a performance of "Young Beethoven by Young Pianists".

The cycle devoted to celebrating Ludwig van Beethoven closes on 9 January, with the presentation of chamber music performances, pianos trios and string quartets by musicians of ESMAE - Superior College of Music and Arts of Porto.

All events are scheduled to begin at 6.30pm and are entrance free.