
Cartoon art showcases Saramago in Porto

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Maurício Parra-Saramago.jpg

The virtual Porto Cartoon exhibition, featuring circa 40 caricatures of José Saramago is on display at the Art and Spot Gallery, in Porto, at Alameda Shop & Spot, during the month of June. 

This cartoon art exhibit is a tribute is to 1998 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature. These cartoons of Saramago were included in the 15th Porto Cartoon, in 2013, under the motto "Liberty, Equality and Fraternity".

Take this month of June to look at the awarded artists, the finalists and some of the best cartoon artwork selected by the jury of this event.

This exhibit has a symbolic special value as the caricature of Saramago was the starting point to this new typology of special prizes that pay tribute to reputed national and international personalities, from different areas such as literature, cinema, arts, sports and politics. Some of those who were already honoured are Picasso, Hemingway, Mandela, Woody Allen, Bob Dylan, Manoel Oliveira, Amália or even Fernão de Magalhães.

This exhibition is organised by the World National Press Museum (NPM), and Alameda. It is curated by Luiz Humberto Marcos, Director of the Museum.