
Celebrate Valentine's Day with Dragons in Porto

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Filipa Brito

February is here and with it, the numerous activities that Valentine's Day can offer; we suggest a visit to the House of Arts of the Dragão, in the Dragão Stadium, as FC Porto celebrates 126 years of history.

St Valentine's Day celebrates romantic love, friendship and admiration, and although this year 14 February is a Friday, activities extend throughout the weekend.

On 15 February, invite your partner, family and friends and visit the "Dragão Route", a guided cultural tour by historian Joel Cleto, which was awarded by the Portuguese Association of Museology (APOM) in 2019. The tour includes a visit to the Museum of FC Porto, where you can learn about the club's history and the city.

The temporary exhibition "Object of the Month - Year 2019" opens to the public on 7 February, at the Multiuse Room. There is a scheduled guided tur for 22 February.

Entrance is free.

Singer Miguel Angelo takes to the stage on 13 February, in the scope of the "Dar Letra à Música" event; and on 16 February there will be the workshop "Dragão Folião - Pelas Asas da Diversão" ["Reveller Dragon", free translation], targeted at younger audiences, with the goal of delivering both fun and knowledge.

The FC Porto Museum Agenda also features the events "O Porto é Uma Lição" ["A Lesson about Porto", free translation] and "Histórias para Dragõezinhos" ["Stories for little Dragons", free translation], on 15 and 22 February.

Till the 28 February it is still possible to visit the temporary exhibit "Cintilações: obras maiores do séc. XX português na coleção Ilídio Pinho", also at the FC Porto Museum João Espregueira Mendes showroom. This display features artwork by Negreiros, Álvaro Lapa, Amadeo Souza-Cardoso, Ângelo de Sousa, Arpad Szenes, Júlio Pomar, Júlio Resende, Manuel Rosa, Paula Rego and Vieira da Silva.
