
CIIMAR -UP joins the European Team to study water quality issues

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The Interdisciplinary Centre of Maritime and Environmental Investigation of the University of Porto (CIIMAR) is one of the institutions that take part in the COST TOPWATER Action, to assess the quality of water. The Action is themed "Taste and Odor in early diagnosis of source and drinking Water Problems".

As bad taste and odor (T&O) of water can indicate quality problems or probable risks for human health and can make water non-potable for consumers, the main goal of the this Action (TOPWATER) is to intensify capabilities and capacities in Europe for solving water T&O, by creating the first European network of multi-disciplinary experts, end-users and stakeholders.

"TOPWATER will have strong impact in improving protection of public health and water resources, quality of life, use of tap water, consumer's awareness and involvement in water quality issues and professional development of young researchers in the field", in the framework of the implementation of the new (recast) EU Drinking Water Directive.

The TOPWATER runs for four years and will have "a strong impact in improving protection of public health and water resources, quality of life, use of tap water, consumer's awareness and involvement in water quality issues and professional development of young researchers in the field", in the framework of the implementation of the new (recast) EU Drinking Water Directive.

The kick off meeting was held on 28 August at the COST headquarters in Brussels, and CIIMAR was represented by the faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto and the Health School of Porto Polytechnic, who are part of the commission of the TOPWATER Action.

The LEGE CC Collection of CIIMAR, which comprises over 1000 microalgae and cyanobacteria strains in the scope of the COST Action.

The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) is a funding organisation for the creation of research networks, called COST Actions. These networks offer an open space for collaboration among scientists across and beyond Europe.