
Coastal cleanup is a must in the beaches of Porto

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Ocean garbage has become a sombre problem over the past years; as such, the Civil Protection and Águas do Porto, jointly with other partners will carry out an initiative that aims to foster the civic awareness of those going to the beach regarding coastal trash and clean-up while gifting treats, so as to better promote the right attitude of "from the river to the sea, litter free", in all beaches in Porto.

Sun glasses and sun bracelets that are UV ray intensity detector will be gifted in the beach to raise awareness on dangers linked to sun exposure.

This initiative kicked off yesterday, 2 July at the Beach of Homem do Leme, and on 5 July it will head to Molhe Beach, between 2pm and 4pm, as well as to the Beach of Pastoras, on 10 July, between 10am and noon.

The issue of coastal cleanup must involve everyone, young or old, so that all citizens can focus on ensuring that the coastlines of the world's oceans are clean and free from all forms of litter.